Magnus Lageson @ Swish. Real-Time Pirate. 16/36. - Crunchfish Magnus Lageson @ Swish. Real-Time Pirate. 16/36. - Crunchfish

Magnus Lageson @ Swish. Real-Time Pirate. 16/36.


On December 12, 2012 the major banks of Sweden launched Swish (Getswish AB) as a novel real-time payment service. It has become a major success and with 80% penetration being a major explaination of why Sweden use less cash than any other country in the world.

Crunchfish AB has been a partner of Swish for two years. It all started by integrating the app terminal Blippit as bridge between Swish and retail POS and checkout products, exemplified here with an implementation with the leading Nordic supplier Extenda Retail.
Here Crunchfish’s CEO Joachim Samuelsson interviews Magnus Lageson, a key person behind the success of Swish with his multiple roles as Lead Product, Innovation & Partner manager. In addition to confirming the applicability of Crunchfish’s digital cash for Swish as a real-time payment service, the interview became a discussion on the importance of a challenger corporate culture and to remain lean by partnering. Swish is a prime example, being one of the best-known brands of Sweden and transferring millions of transactions a day, with a surprisingly small team of only 18 employees.