Henrik Winberg. Ketchup effect. 9/36.


Joachim Samuelsson rounds off the Alumni week talking to Henrik Winberg, our Head of Global Sales for five years 2015 – January 2020, who currently serves as COO of Dlaboratory Sweden AB, an innovative company that provides power companies with an intelligent analytics platform to manage their grids.

Henrik and Joachim discuss the famous Ketchup effect and how technology should be adjusted to humans instead of the other way around – something that permeates everything we do at Crunchfish. Don’t miss this interesting discussion!
Please visit https://dlaboratory.com/ to find out more about how they’re unlocking valuable insights in power grids with their data-based analytics tool.

Interview 9 of 36 in the second season – Cash goes digital, a payment pandemic – out Friday morning 6 am CET / 10.30 am IST.