Which favourite moment will you share?


Malmö, April 7 2015 – With millions of photos already captured, GoCam has proven to be the perfect app when you need to capture a photo from a distance, maybe a full body selfie or a groupie with your friends at a party. Determined to be the best camera app ever, we just made it even more […]

Malmö, April 7 2015 – With millions of photos already captured, GoCam has proven to be the perfect app when you need to capture a photo from a distance, maybe a full body selfie or a groupie with your friends at a party. Determined to be the best camera app ever, we just made it even more intuitive to snap, sort and share your photos.

We want you to really feel it when you like a photo. Now you can. With a simple Thumbs Up gesture you can mark your favorites to organize your photos. The act of physically giving a thumb up to a photo engages our whole body in the experience and changes our well being to the better compared to just tapping a button.

You can instantly share or delete your latest photo. With our new share feature you can share your photos to everyone around you, making GoCam the perfect camera to use for special occasions. Imagine a party, wedding or a holiday when you share great moments with great people. Now you can share all photos immediately to everyone at the event – it’s a fun and engaging way to create memories together.

The best part? Regardless of whom you want to share with, friends you have known forever or friends just for the day, prior connections on social medias etc. are not needed.

Just download the new version of GoCam for free on Apple App Store and start sharing the fun!

Contact: Joakim Nydemark, CEO, joakim.nydemark@crunchfish.com, mobile: +46 706 35 16 09