Crunchfish reduces food waste – will you join us?
About a third of all food produced in the world is thrown away. This is costly, both for society and the environment. Tech company Crunchfish has invented a solution that can rescue food by rewarding consumers right at the checkout. This fundamentally changes buying behavior and will contribute to a drastic reduction of food waste in the grocery trade.

In the future, the product label will be chequered rather than striped, because a two-dimensional QR code can also contain individual information about the product, such as its best-before date or batch number.
Sustainable development satisfies current needs without jeopardizing the opportunity of future generations to satisfy theirs. The UN has an ambitious agenda with 17 global goals for economically, socially and environmentally sustainable development. By 2030 the amount of food waste will be halved in all stages from farm to table.
– All actors have shown an interest in finding solutions to this problem, says Linda Kronby, Senior Business Developer at Crunchfish. But it doesn’t simply come down to changing consumer behavior. Companies also need to see what they can do to take responsibility and encourage the consumer to make environmentally sound decisions.
To rescue food, Crunchfish has developed a concept for dynamic pricing of goods based on the individual characteristics of each product, such as best-before date or batch number.
– When shopping, consumers tend to choose the item with the longest shelf life, which means that older items often remain until they are ultimately discarded. With a unique product label adhering to the new GS1 Digital Link standard, where the product’s striped bar code is replaced with a two-dimensional QR code, the customer can be rewarded for climate-conscious choices right at the checkout. The discount can easily be programmed to increase according to the proximity of the expiration date, Linda Kronby continues.
The Crunchfish solution enables suppliers and retailers to encourage consumers to shop more sustainably. The advantage of GS1 Digital Link is that it can contain product information that is more extensive and more tailored, such as best-before date, product origin and detailed product information for the consumer.
– The solution is not limited to best-before dates – in some cases the supplier or retailer may want to encourage sales for other reasons. This is a very exciting area that the grocery trade is willing to invest in, and other industries will follow in the long run. Right now, we are looking for climate-smart suppliers who want to be involved from the start and drive the development towards a sustainable society, Linda Kronby concludes.
About Crunchfish –
Crunchfish is a tech company with patent-pending solutions for digital cash that can be integrated with both the payment rail and in mobile wallets. The solutions are globally scalable and makes digital payments more robust as the risks of disruptions and downtime are eliminated. We have also developed Blippit, an app terminal that connects to cash register systems for both online and offline payments and have a patent-pending solution to reduce food waste. Crunchfish also develops gesture control of smart AR glasses for the consumer market. Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with representation in India.

Linda Kronby, Senior Business Developer at Crunchfish
This article was originally published in SvD Hållbara Företag – Bank & finans on January 28, 2021.