Crunchtune #06 – May 17th, 2024

As a tribute to Crunchfish’s Chairman Göran Linder who has the view that the Crunchtunes been too soft in the last couple of weeks DJ Lindeberg decided to flex his muscles and deliver this new tune. For those who have not yet met Crunchfish’s head-banging Chairman there is a chance on Tuesday next week at 10 am during our annual general assembly.


In the deep sea (crimson waves)
A Crunchfish swims with might and stealth
Offline payments, conquering quest
Against the tide of CBDC, they fend
All the shackles (coins will fall)
All the chains of central schemes
Through the abyss, where data sleeps (digital deep)
Crunchfish rides the blockchain waves
In the battle where freedom stakes
They chant the warcry, independence raised
With every swipe, a revolution spins
In the clash of tech, the Crunchfish wins
Through the ledgers (fiery chains)
Cryptic warriors join the fray
Nimble fintech, their flag unfurled
Defying giants, they shake the world
Unbound markets (freedom roars)
As cashless trade begins to soar
Surfing currents (no delay)
Through the storm of regulation’s bane
Their Digital Cash, a sword of light
Breaks the dusk of CBDC’s might
Beneath the surge (the surge of power)
Ripples spread where Crunchfish prowls
No central eye (no prying gaze)
Can track or trace where Crunchfish plays
In privacy, they weave their strength
Against CBDC’s sprawling length
The battle roars (the systems clash) As Crunchfish dives, their lightning flash