
AR companies Crunchfish and Bublar Group initiate cooperation


Crunchfish and Bublar Group launch a strategic collaboration focusing on Augmented Reality (AR) in the mobile phone linked to innovative gaming experiences. The collaboration aims at combining advanced game development with AR technology and modern gesture-based interaction. Nasdaq First North-listed Crunchfish has initiated cooperation with NGM MTF-listed Bublar Group (“Bublar”) regarding interaction in games and […]

Crunchfish and Bublar Group launch a strategic collaboration focusing on Augmented Reality (AR) in the mobile phone linked to innovative gaming experiences. The collaboration aims at combining advanced game development with AR technology and modern gesture-based interaction.

Nasdaq First North-listed Crunchfish has initiated cooperation with NGM MTF-listed Bublar Group (“Bublar”) regarding interaction in games and AR applications. Initially, focus is on the various applications Bublar has under development, with the intention of evaluating the prerequisites for broader collaboration within new areas of application.

Crunchfish is an AR company that offers technologies and services for, among other things, AR applications and the development of new user experiences in mobile phones and smart glasses. The company has eight years of experience in mobile interaction and a software that is installed in millions of devices from leading consumer electronics manufacturers. Bublar develops a game portfolio in the genre “real-world games” and is currently preparing the launch of the mobile game “Glowing Gloves”, based on AR and motion control of the mobile.

“Crunchfish is a natural partner for us because we share the goal of moving positions forward within our respective business areas, and their position in several technology areas is strong.” says Magnus Granqvist, CEO of Bublar.

“The collaboration with Bublar is exciting because it opens up opportunities for the mobile AR world. Together we can focus on the limits of mobile applications while displaying the power of interaction with gestures in AR. I see that this can be the start of a fruitful collaboration where together we can take advantage of the rapid development of both AR and the gaming industry, ” says Joakim Nydemark, CEO of Crunchfish.

“The future’s interaction and visualization in 3D in both AR and VR must go hand in hand for a successful user experience. Crunchfish and Bublar can now together develop innovative games and applications with gesture control for today’s large mobile phone market as well as the fast-growing smart glasses segment, where the hands’ movements become the natural user interface. ” says Kenneth Häggmark, Innovation Manager at Bublar.

For further information, please contact:
Joakim Nydemark, VD Crunchfish
+46 706 35 16 09

Magnus Granqvist, VD Bublar Group
+46 8 559 251 20


About Crunchfish
Crunchfish develops and markets AR technology that creates new interaction opportunities for industrial and social applications as well as m-commerce. The company’s technologies make it possible to control consumer electronics with gestures as well as create innovative m-commerce solutions. Crunchfish’s technologies are licensed to hardware manufacturers and application companies and are currently available in millions of devices from global players. Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North since 2016. The company was founded in 2010 and has its headquarters in Malmö. Visit crunchfish.com for more information.

About Bublar Group
Bublar creates the future of mobile experiences by providing games and apps that combine the latest technology in the fast-growing Augmented Reality (AR) and location-based services. The company has a proprietary software platform that enables the company to create mobile games and services where large volumes of users in real time can interact and communicate with each other. The company’s mentor is G & W Fondkommission. Bublar Group is listed on NGM Nordic MTF.

Not enough focus on user experience in AR


New AR projects risk failing So far, AR projects have focused on technology to provide the AR experience rather than methods that allow users to better engage with the content. It is crucial to include the user experience to secure confidence in the AR technology and avoid project failure. In order for AR to succeed, […]

New AR projects risk failing

So far, AR projects have focused on technology to provide the AR experience rather than methods that allow users to better engage with the content. It is crucial to include the user experience to secure confidence in the AR technology and avoid project failure.

In order for AR to succeed, we need to put the user in focus. Take the personal computer and the smartphone, for example – it was Apple’s user focus that really got them going. What AR needs is interaction methods that allow people to interact with AR content in a much more efficient and intuitive way.

“Body interaction, like gestures, are preferable to other methods, since they provide an enhanced user experience by making interactions more fluid, direct and immersive.” says Henrik Winberg, Sales Director at Crunchfish.

A blend of voice, body, and object positioning will make it possible for AR users to interact with data, software applications, and their surrounding environments. To make the interaction more efficient, mobile proximity technology can discover and track devices, equipment, goods, and people, and seamlessly connect them and let them share information when they are close to each other.

“Mobile proximity technology enables contextual awareness based on physical presence, which can be used to customise the interaction to send only context relevant information to the right user, at the right time and place.” concludes Henrik Winberg.

Gesture interaction – one of the most intuitive ways to interact in AR
Touchless gesture interaction lets you engage with AR devices and environments in a direct way, making interactions more fluid and immersive. Crunchfish has 8 years’ experience of UX design from gesture interaction projects. Our software is used in AR smart glasses to navigate content and perform tasks.

Contextual awareness – makes interaction more efficient
Contextual awareness is context driven information based on proximity. It customises the interaction and ensures relevant information in every situation and efficient information exchange between humans or human and device/machine. Crunchfish provides applications with an intelligent proximity layer that adds awareness of who and what is present in real time, enabling communication and information sharing.

AR & VR World logo

Crunchfish will be at AR & VR World in London, June 12 -14, to show how to interact in AR more naturally and efficiently, using touchless gesture control and mobile proximity technology. Welcome to visit us in the AREA pavilion, booth AR225. You are also welcome to listen to Henrik Winberg’s presentation Why the interaction in AR is critical for a successful use case in Expo Theater H, 14:40 – 15:00 on Thursday.

Traditional interaction methods are obsolete in AR


There is an obvious risk that AR projects will not deliver the expected ROI if the user perspective is not considered Experience the latest development within gesture control and contextual awareness in the Crunchfish booth at AWE in Santa Clara Augmented Reality brings a whole new way to manage digital content and context. A combination […]

There is an obvious risk that AR projects will not deliver the expected ROI if the user perspective is not considered

Experience the latest development within gesture control and contextual awareness in the Crunchfish booth at AWE in Santa Clara

Augmented Reality brings a whole new way to manage digital content and context. A combination of body, voice and object positioning makes it possible to interact with hardware, software and the surrounding environment, making interfaces seem much more natural.

At AWE, Crunchfish will show how to interact in AR more naturally, using touchless gesture control in combination with mobile proximity technology.

Gesture interaction – one of the most natural ways to interact

Touchless gesture control lets you engage with AR devices and environments in a direct way, making interactions more fluid and immersive. Crunchfish has 8 years’ experience of UX design from gesture interaction projects. Our software is used in AR smart glasses to navigate content and perform tasks.

Contextual awareness – makes interaction methods more effective

Mobile proximity software creates innovative solutions for context dependent information in AR smart glasses. Managing context dependent information means you can provide the right information, at the right time, in the right place and to the right people. We provide applications with an intelligent proximity layer that adds awareness of who and what is present in real time, enabling communication and information sharing.

At AWE in Santa Clara you can try out the following Crunchfish demos:

  • Managing menus and content in AR smart glasses
  • 3D interaction for mobile AR using ARCore

Welcome to visit us in booth 725 to discuss the possibilities of touchless gesture interaction and contextual awareness.

For more information, please contact:
Joakim Nydemark, CEO Crunchfish
+46 40 626 77 00

About Crunchfish
Crunchfish develops software for AR that creates new possibilities for interaction. We use cameras to detect and track a person’s face and hands, which enables you to engage in a more natural way with digital interfaces using gestures. Through Low Energy Bluetooth, we provide applications with an intelligent proximity layer, that lets users locally and seamlessly discover who and what is nearby, connect and share information.

Crunchfish’s technologies are licensed to hardware manufacturers and application developers and are currently available in millions of devices from global enterprises. The company was founded in 2010 and is based in Malmö, Sweden. Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North since 2016. Visit crunchfish.com for more information.

Crunchfish tecknar avtal med amerikansk drönartillverkare avseende geststyrning


Nasdaq First North-noterade Crunchfish har tecknat avtal med en San Francisco-baserad tillverkare av pilotlösa drönare. Crunchfishs geststyrningsmjukvara kommer att användas i drönarnas applikationer för snabb interaktion på avstånd, samt erbjudas till de av motpartens kunder som vill utveckla egna applikationer.  Det amerikanska företaget utvecklar och tillverkar drönare samt applikationer för att styra dessa. Navigations- och pilotsystemet är helt självstyrande och avancerade algoritmer för datorseende gör det möjligt för drönaren att undvika hinder samtidigt som den ser omgivningen […]

Nasdaq First North-noterade Crunchfish har tecknat avtal med en San Francisco-baserad tillverkare av pilotlösa drönare. Crunchfishs geststyrningsmjukvara kommer att användas i drönarnas applikationer för snabb interaktion på avstånd, samt erbjudas till de av motpartens kunder som vill utveckla egna applikationer. 

Det amerikanska företaget utvecklar och tillverkar drönare samt applikationer för att styra dessa. Navigations- och pilotsystemet är helt självstyrande och avancerade algoritmer för datorseende gör det möjligt för drönaren att undvika hinder samtidigt som den ser omgivningen i 3D.

Bolaget utvecklar drönare för både konsument- och företagsmarknaden vilka kan användas för exempelvis videoinspelning, inspektion, automatiserad paketleverans och övervakning. 

Den kommersiella lanseringen kommer att ske under andra halvåret 2018. 

Avtalet ger motparten rätten att använda Crunchfishs geststyrningsmjukvara i egna applikationer kopplade till drönaren samt att erbjuda programvaran till de av sina kunder som avser att utveckla egna drönarapplikationer.

“Att Crunchfishs geststyrningsteknologi möter de komplexa krav som interaktionen med en förarlös drönare ställer är ett viktigt erkännande av vår teknologis styrkor. Vårt huvudsakliga fokus är visserligen att adressera den industriella AR-marknaden men det är alltid glädjande att vår geststyrningsteknologi uppmärksammas och efterfrågas inom andra tillväxtområden, säger Joakim Nydemark, VD för Crunchfish.

För ytterligare information, kontakta:

Joakim Nydemark, VD på Crunchfish
0706 35 16 09

Certified Adviser: Sedermera Fondkommission.

Denna information är sådan information som Crunchfish AB är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s Marknadsmissbruksförordning. Informationen lämnades, genom ovanstående kontaktpersons försorg, för offentliggörande den 15 maj 2018. 

Om Crunchfish
Crunchfish utvecklar och marknadsför AR-teknologi som skapar nya interaktionsmöjligheter för m-handel och industriella samt sociala applikationer. Vår produkt Touchless A3D® gör det möjligt att styra enheter med gester. Vår mjukvaruplattform aBubbl® skapar innovativa m-handelslösningar och gör det möjligt att aktivera AR i vilken applikation som helst. Crunchfishs teknologier licensieras till både hårdvarutillverkare och applikationsbolag och finns för närvarande tillgänglig i miljontals enheter från globala aktörer. Crunchfish är noterat vid Nasdaq First North sedan 2016. Företaget grundades 2010 och har huvudkontor i Malmö. Besök crunchfish.com för ytterligare information.

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Crunchfish signs agreement with American drone company regarding gesture control

Nasdaq First North-listed Crunchfish has signed an agreement with a San Francisco-based manufacturer of pilotless drones. The company will use Crunchfish’s touchless gesture interaction software to develop apps for their drones as well as offer the software to customers who want to develop their own drone apps. The American company develops and manufactures pilotless drones […]

Nasdaq First North-listed Crunchfish has signed an agreement with a San Francisco-based manufacturer of pilotless drones. The company will use Crunchfish’s touchless gesture interaction software to develop apps for their drones as well as offer the software to customers who want to develop their own drone apps.

The American company develops and manufactures pilotless drones as well as applications for operating the drones when flying. Advanced computer vision algorithms allow the drone to avoid obstacles while monitoring their surroundings in 3D. The navigation and piloting system is 100 percent autonomous. The drones are developed for both the consumer and enterprise markets, and are used for video capturing, inspection and survey, automated parcel delivery, surveillance and emergency response.

The commercial launch on the market is targeted for second half of 2018.

The agreement holds the right for the counterpart to use Crunchfish’s gesture recognition software to develop apps for their drones as well as offer the software to customers who prefers to develop their own drone apps.

“It is an important recognition of our software’s capabilities that Crunchfish’s touchless gesture technology meets the complex interaction requirements of a driverless drone. Our main focus is on processing the industrial AR market, but it is always pleasing that other growth areas are paying attention to and demanding our software for gesture control.” says Joakim Nydemark, CEO of Crunchfish.

For further information, please contact:
Joakim Nydemark, CEO of Crunchfish
+46 706 35 16 09


About Crunchfish
Crunchfish develops and markets Augmented Reality technology for m-commerce and industrial and social applications. Our software Touchless A3D® makes it possible to control electronics with gestures and aBubbl® enables AR in any third-party application. Crunchfish’s technologies are licensed to both hardware manufacturers and application developers and are currently available in devices and applications from global players. Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North since 2016. The company was founded in 2010 and is based in Sweden. Visit crunchfish.com for more information.