
Google and Samsung add touchless gesture control in new products


Image: Courtesy of Google Recently, both Google and Samsung have presented information about upcoming products. Google presented information about its upcoming smartphone Pixel 4 and Samsung presented e.g. its new S Pen for the Galaxy Note series. It’s exciting seeing that the two tech dragons have chosen to include touchless gesture control in their new […]

Image: Courtesy of Google

Recently, both Google and Samsung have presented information about upcoming products. Google presented information about its upcoming smartphone Pixel 4 and Samsung presented e.g. its new S Pen for the Galaxy Note series. It’s exciting seeing that the two tech dragons have chosen to include touchless gesture control in their new devices, as it will give them important feedback on one of the most intuitive interaction solutions. Crunchfish is a market-proven provider of gesture control software, already having its gesture control solution installed in tens of millions of devices.

First smartphone with Project Soli

Google Pixel 4 is the first smartphone to include Project Soli, which is a motion-sensing radar developed by Google. The radar is located at the top of the Pixel 4. It senses small motions around the phone and can thereby recognise gestures. Google call its gesture software Motion Sense and in the Pixel 4, Motion Sense will allow users to skip songs, snooze alarms, and silence phone calls, just by waving the hand. Samsung’s new S Pen for its Galaxy Note smartphones works basically like a magic Bluetooth wand. The stylus pen has a motion sensor that can determine how it’s being held and in what direction it’s being moved. This means that the user can switch between different functions, such as switching between different camera modes, just by waving the S Pen in the air.

The usage of gesture control will increase globally

The installation of touchless gesture control in Google and Samsung devices will give important feedback and also increase the usage globally. The feedback will be valuable input for future screen-less devices such as smart AR glasses, where gesture control and voice control are the two intuitive interaction methods. Samsung recently filed a patent application regarding a pair of smart glasses and Google recently announced the second generation of Google Glass.

Crunchfish’s gesture control provides the user a full interaction experience

What Google needs a radar and Samsung needs a stylus to do, Crunchfish can achieve just by using software and the camera sensors in mobile and wearable devices. Using advanced image recognition and deep learning algorithms, our software detects and tracks hand gestures in three dimensions. Crunchfish’s gesture control provides the user a full interaction experience, which is not limited to simple air swipes. Further, as Google’s gesture control is using radar, it will because of legislation not be available in all countries. Crunchfish’s gesture control can be used world-wide.

Our latest product XR Tracking 2.0 offers the unique experience of a mouse-like UI paradigm by just using a hand. The position of the hand is tracked with very high precision for a responsive UI feedback.

Check out our XR Tracking 2.0 in action in this video:

Want to try our solution for yourself?

To show the potential of our powerful XR Tracking 2.0, we have made a demo application publicly available. The demo demonstrates Crunchfish’s solution designed for efficient touchless interaction with most standard AR smart glasses and Android devices. Using the pinch as well as an open and closed hand, interactions such as navigation, item selection, annotation and zooming can be performed. The demo is available on:

  • Epson BT3xx
  • Lenovo New C200
  • RealWear HMT-1
  • Vuzix M-series (external link)
  • Smartphones (mobile AR)*

*Compatible with the majority smartphones running Android 5.0 or later.



Interested in bringing gesture controls to your AR hardware or software? Please contact our sales team:

Henrik Winberg, Sales Director at Crunchfish
+46 (0)702 126 129

Joakim Nydemark, CEO at Crunchfish
+46 (0)706 351 609

Crunchfish’s Gesture Control for Smart AR Glasses


Watch how Crunchfish’s native touchless gesture control works in a pair of smart AR glasses. Gesture control is the intuitive way to engage with AR smart glasses, making interactions more fluid, direct and immersive.

Watch how Crunchfish’s native touchless gesture control works in a pair of smart AR glasses. Gesture control is the intuitive way to engage with AR smart glasses, making interactions more fluid, direct and immersive.

Experience Crunchfish Gesture Control in First-Person-View


Crunchfish’s high-precision gesture control is specially designed to provide 3D Augmented Reality (AR) interaction. Get immersed in the AR using a standard RGB camera sensor in any mobile devices or smart AR glasses. Try our demo and get a feel for it yourself!

Crunchfish’s high-precision gesture control is specially designed to provide 3D Augmented Reality (AR) interaction. Get immersed in the AR using a standard RGB camera sensor in any mobile devices or smart AR glasses. Try our demo and get a feel for it yourself!

AR trends: Samsung seeks patent on smart AR glasses


Image Credit: US Patent and Trademark Office Augmented Reality (AR) is the next-generation of technology, where the physical world is augmented with computer-generated content. AR is thought to be the next technological revolution, and the market is assumed to grow rapidly over the coming years. It is assessed that all major smartphone makers are doing […]

Image Credit: US Patent and Trademark Office

Augmented Reality (AR) is the next-generation of technology, where the physical world is augmented with computer-generated content. AR is thought to be the next technological revolution, and the market is assumed to grow rapidly over the coming years. It is assessed that all major smartphone makers are doing research in the AR field and this month, Samsung applied for a patent relating to the company’s first potential AR product – smart AR glasses.

Samsung is a giant in technological development and this month the company filed a patent for an invention relating to a pair of smart AR glasses. Smart glasses are thought to be the next essential tech accessories, and able to disrupt the use of smartphones in our everyday lives. In the patent application, Samsung is presenting an invention related to a pair of foldable smart glasses where the temples may be constructed to be foldable with respect to the frame of the device, thereby allowing the device to be easily stored. An interesting invention also included in the patent application is the functionality to recognise whether the smart glasses are folded or unfolded, which enables the possibility to minimise the power consumption of the device. Using this technology, the optical system of the smart glasses may be automatically turned off when the glasses are folded, hence saving power.

Crunchfish is one of the market leaders in gesture control, which is the intuitive way to interact with AR products. With smart glasses or similar, there is no physical display to interact with, so touchless gestures become a necessity. Since camera sensors are developing rapidly and special processing units for neural nets (NPU) become more commonly used in devices, it is expected that gesture control will evolve even faster moving forward and Crunchfish is actively driving that market. The company recently released its most powerful product to date – XR Tracking 2.0.

Experience the Crunchfish gesture control in first person below, showing the company’s high-precision XR Tracking 2.0 using a standard RGB camera sensor in Android mobile devices or smart glasses. You can also try Crunchfish’s demo solution and get immersed in the augmented reality experience.

Interested in bringing gesture controls to your AR hardware or software? Please contact our sales team:

Henrik Winberg, Sales Director at Crunchfish
+46 (0)702 126 129

Joakim Nydemark, CEO at Crunchfish
+46 (0)706 351 609

Crunchfish advances its gesture control technology to be compatible with high-speed and low-power NPU solutions


Augmented reality (AR) and AR smart glasses are thought to be the next technology revolution following the smartphone. Crunchfish is in the forefront of the AR scene with its gesture control technology and the company has recently started a development program to optimise its gesture control engine for Neural Processing Units (NPU). The initial results […]

Augmented reality (AR) and AR smart glasses are thought to be the next technology revolution following the smartphone. Crunchfish is in the forefront of the AR scene with its gesture control technology and the company has recently started a development program to optimise its gesture control engine for Neural Processing Units (NPU). The initial results are impressive, and the company assesses it will lead to an even faster and more accurate touchless gesture interaction.

An NPU is a processor that is optimised for processing thousands of computations simultaneously. A key advantage of the NPU technology is its ability to do the computations for neural networks at a high speed without consuming excessive amounts of resources or electricity. It is assessed that NPUs will be part of the augmented reality revolution as machine learning and power efficiency are key assets. The development of NPUs is fast-moving and each iteration of new hardware contain significant improvements in neural processors, as we have seen from recent launches by both Huawei and Qualcomm

Crunchfish is constantly following the development in hardware. To further strengthen its position within the AR segment and meet the requirements from the consumer segment, Crunchfish has for a while been running a development program to make its products compatible with NPUs. Using newly market launched NPU products from leading manufacturers, Crunchfish is testing its technology. The results show that Crunchfish can do gesture interaction faster and more energy efficient using NPU technology, and support for NPUs has been built into the official products. Crunchfish is thus ready for the NPU revolution.

Just recently, Crunchfish released its most powerful product to date – XR Tracking 2.0. The product offers the unique experience of a mouse-like UI paradigm by just using a hand. The position of the hand is tracked with high precision for a responsive UI feedback. It is easy to adopt to existing applications and offer a quick learning curve for the user since fewer gestures need to be remembered and the interaction can be made consistent.

To see the potential of Crunchfish’s powerful XR Tracking 2.0, please download the demo application. The demo demonstrates Crunchfish’s solution for efficient touchless interaction with most standard AR smart glasses. Using the pinch, open and closed hand, interactions such as navigation, item selection, annotation and zooming can be performed. The demo is available on:

  • Epson BT3xx
  • Lenovo New C200
  • RealWear HMT-1
  • Vuzix M-series (external link)
  • Smartphones (mobile AR)*

*Compatible with the majority smartphones running Android 5.0 or later.



Interested in bringing gesture controls to your AR hardware or software? Please contact our sales team:

Henrik Winberg, Sales Director at Crunchfish
+46 (0)702 126 129

Joakim Nydemark, CEO at Crunchfish
+46 (0)706 351 609

Crunchfish Proximity ingår partneravtal med Verisec


Crunchfishs helägda dotterbolag Crunchfish Proximity har ingått ett partneravtal med IT-säkerhetsbolaget Verisec för att erbjuda e-legitimationstjänsten Freja eID tillsammans Crunchfish Proximitys närhetsbaserade lösningar. Crunchfish Proximity fokuserar för närvarande på Blippit, som ger handeln nya möjligheter att checka ut i butik med mobilen. Avtalet innebär att Crunchfish Proximity kommer att integrera och bli återförsäljare av e-legitimationstjänsten Freja eID som identifieringsmetod.

Crunchfish Proximity utvecklar Blippits appterminal som erbjuder handeln nya möjligheter till att checka ut i butik. Med Blippit kan mobil betalning och andra rabatter lösas in i kassan med ett och samma blipp. Blippits lösning möjliggörs dels genom Crunchfishs teknologi för närhetsbaserad interaktion och dels det innovativa clearingsystem för kuponger och betalmedel som samägaren ClearOn har etablerat i de fler än 20 000 kassor som finns i cirka 6 000 butiker över hela Sverige. Genom aktuellt partneravtal integreras Freja eID och kan därmed erbjudas som digital identitetsmetod. Erbjudandet riktar sig inledningsvis till den svenska marknaden med avsikt att expandera internationellt i ett senare skede, vilket även stöds av att Freja eID är en internationellt skalbar e-legitimation.

Avtalstiden är initialt ett år och avtalet förlängs därefter årligen. Crunchfish Proximity kommer att äga rätt till del av de intäkter som avtal tecknade genom Crunchfish Proximity genererar.

”Blippit kommer att marknadslanseras under hösten 2019 och genom återförsäljaravtalet med Verisec har vi nu ytterligare ett alternativ till säker digital identifieringsmetod för de appar som knyts till Blippit. Fördelen med Freja eID är att tjänsten är internationell, vilket förbereder Blippit för expansion utanför Sverige”, kommenterar Paul Cronholm, VD för Crunchfish Proximity.

För mer information kontakta:
Paul Cronholm, VD Crunchfish Proximity
0722 21 12 28

Joakim Nydemark, VD Crunchfish
0706 35 16 09

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB är Certified Adviser. Epost: ca@vhcorp.se, telefon 040-200 250

Om Crunchfish – crunchfish.com
Crunchfish AB (”Crunchfish”) utvecklar och marknadsför patenterade interaktionslösningar för mobil handel och augmented reality. Verksamheten kring mobil handel bedrivs i dotterbolaget Crunchfish Proximity med fokus på närhets­baserad interaktion. Med egenutvecklad appterminal och mjukvara möjliggörs blippbar kuponginlösen och betalning. Kommersialiseringen görs i samarbete med ClearOn i det gemensamma bolaget Blippit. Inom AR erbjuder bolaget mjukvara för geststyrning av AR-glasögon och annan konsumentelektronik. Mjukvaran är en av de ledande i världen och finns i tiotals miljoner enheter på marknaden genom kunder som OPPO, Epson och Lenovo. Crunchfish är noterat på Nasdaq First North sedan 2016. Företaget grundades 2010 med huvudkontor i Malmö. 

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