Gesture Interaction

Crunchfish signs agreement with American drone company regarding gesture control

Nasdaq First North-listed Crunchfish has signed an agreement with a San Francisco-based manufacturer of pilotless drones. The company will use Crunchfish’s touchless gesture interaction software to develop apps for their drones as well as offer the software to customers who want to develop their own drone apps. The American company develops and manufactures pilotless drones […]

Nasdaq First North-listed Crunchfish has signed an agreement with a San Francisco-based manufacturer of pilotless drones. The company will use Crunchfish’s touchless gesture interaction software to develop apps for their drones as well as offer the software to customers who want to develop their own drone apps.

The American company develops and manufactures pilotless drones as well as applications for operating the drones when flying. Advanced computer vision algorithms allow the drone to avoid obstacles while monitoring their surroundings in 3D. The navigation and piloting system is 100 percent autonomous. The drones are developed for both the consumer and enterprise markets, and are used for video capturing, inspection and survey, automated parcel delivery, surveillance and emergency response.

The commercial launch on the market is targeted for second half of 2018.

The agreement holds the right for the counterpart to use Crunchfish’s gesture recognition software to develop apps for their drones as well as offer the software to customers who prefers to develop their own drone apps.

“It is an important recognition of our software’s capabilities that Crunchfish’s touchless gesture technology meets the complex interaction requirements of a driverless drone. Our main focus is on processing the industrial AR market, but it is always pleasing that other growth areas are paying attention to and demanding our software for gesture control.” says Joakim Nydemark, CEO of Crunchfish.

For further information, please contact:
Joakim Nydemark, CEO of Crunchfish
+46 706 35 16 09


About Crunchfish
Crunchfish develops and markets Augmented Reality technology for m-commerce and industrial and social applications. Our software Touchless A3D® makes it possible to control electronics with gestures and aBubbl® enables AR in any third-party application. Crunchfish’s technologies are licensed to both hardware manufacturers and application developers and are currently available in devices and applications from global players. Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North since 2016. The company was founded in 2010 and is based in Sweden. Visit for more information.

Patents an important asset for Crunchfish

For innovation companies operating in an emerging industry, it is crucial to safeguard the core of the business. Crunchfish therefore works purposefully to protect its technologies. The company has a comprehensive patent portfolio with 60 active patents and patent applications in gesture control and proximity-based interaction. Björn Andersson at Ström & Gulliksson has handled Crunchfish’s […]

For innovation companies operating in an emerging industry, it is crucial to safeguard the core of the business. Crunchfish therefore works purposefully to protect its technologies. The company has a comprehensive patent portfolio with 60 active patents and patent applications in gesture control and proximity-based interaction.

Björn Andersson at Ström & Gulliksson has handled Crunchfish’s patent applications since 2012. He gives his view of Crunchfish’s patent work.

– There are of course many companies that are skilled at innovation, but everyone is not as good at protecting their inventions. Crunchfish has a strong combination of being first with groundbreaking solutions while being good at applying for and getting patents.

– The innovations behind the patents hold high technical quality, which means that the patents are granted quickly, with few or no restrictions. It is a clear confirmation that Crunchfish is in the absolute forefront of innovation. They are also quick to apply and submit patent applications that cover the entire innovation.

Patent families in gesture control

Gesture control refers to the control of electronic equipment by registering the user’s gestures in the air with a camera sensor. Crunchfish’s patent families in gesture control have been created since 2012 and include:

Core – core technology
Core patents protect the algorithms that make Crunchfish’s gesture control robust, fast, and efficient and are important to show that Crunchfish owns its basic technology.

Power – functionality for reduced power consumption
Power consumption is important for all battery-powered consumer electronics, and Crunchfish’s patent in Power optimizes that parameter in gesture control.

3D – three-dimensional gesture control
Within 3D, there are, among other things, functionality for tracing in three dimensions with a two-dimensional camera, using the monitor as the source of light, and allowing for changed resolution by adjusting the cursor’s motion to a tracked gesture.

Patent families in proximity-based interaction

Crunchfish Connected ARTM is proximity-based technology developed to facilitate social or other interaction between mobile device users in each other’s vicinity in beacon-based temporary networks. The Connected AR patent families have been created since 2014 and include:

Social – core technology
Within Social, there is functionality for creating a temporary proximity-based group of mobile devices through sound signalling. Further, for example, there are functionality to share digital content and to, as a team member, find out which other devices and users are included in the group.

Handshake – makes connections easier and safer
Handshake includes functionality to provide easier and safer connection between mobile devices. There is also functionality to use a mobile device to use a service, such as making a purchase, by using beacon-based technology.

Passive – reachability even for passive mobiles
Within Passive, there is functionality to enable all active mobile users to detect passive mobile devices and also improve passive mobile devices’ use of information, advertising or sharing digital content through beacon-based technology.

Crunchfish shows cutting edge gesture solutions for enterprise and mobile AR at MWC

Crunchfish has busy days at MWC in Barcelona, where we showcase touchless gesture interaction for enterprise AR smart glasses and mobile AR. For our enterprise AR demo, we are using smart glasses from our partners Epson, ODG and Vuzix, where we show the gesture interaction for handling menus and notifications, manipulating controls and browsing content. […]

Crunchfish has busy days at MWC in Barcelona, where we showcase touchless gesture interaction for enterprise AR smart glasses and mobile AR.

For our enterprise AR demo, we are using smart glasses from our partners Epson, ODG and Vuzix, where we show the gesture interaction for handling menus and notifications, manipulating controls and browsing content. The demo shows the strength of gestures and how gesture control is a natural, efficient and dynamic way to interact in AR environments.

In our mobile AR demo, we are using Time of Flight sensors that delivers 3D image information. With such information, gesture control can be performed more accurately, since we know how individual fingers move in all three dimensions. This allows gestures to be used to manipulate 3D objects and provides even better prerequisites for a fast, easy and effective interaction.

MWC: Crunchfish will show the strength of touchless gesture control in AR

Gesture interaction for immersive AR experiences Augmented Reality offers new and powerful ways to engage with the surroundings. It also requires new interaction technologies. Crunchfish’s software for touchless gesture control adds an immersive dimension that makes access to and manipulation of the AR environment more natural. Crunchfish will be at MWC to demonstrate the strength […]

Gesture interaction for immersive AR experiences

Augmented Reality offers new and powerful ways to engage with the surroundings. It also requires new interaction technologies. Crunchfish’s software for touchless gesture control adds an immersive dimension that makes access to and manipulation of the AR environment more natural.

Crunchfish will be at MWC to demonstrate the strength of gestures when interacting with 3D objects and how gesture control is a natural, efficient and dynamic way to interact in AR environments.

  • Mobile AR
    Gesture recognition is the next big thing that will enhance the capabilities of smartphones. Touchless gesture control adds a whole new and immersive dimension to mobile AR, mobile games and smartphone applications. Using 3D depth sensors, Crunchfish will show the strength of gestures when creating virtual objects in 3 dimensions without touching the screen.
  • Enterprise AR smart glasses
    Interaction challenges in industrial environments are driving demand for user-friendly ways to engage with AR smart glasses. In many cases, touchless gesture interaction enables users to interact and handle information faster, easier and safer than other methods. Crunchfish will demonstrate how touchless gestures handle the interaction flow for visual and remote assistance.

Crunchfish is one of the leading developers of gesture-controlled user interfaces.
Visit us in the Swedish Pavilion, Hall 7, Stand E41.

Crunchfish fördjupar samarbetet med Nibiru och tecknar återförsäljaravtal avseende geststyrning i AR/VR

Nasdaq First North-noterade Crunchfish fördjupar samarbetet med kinesiska Nanjing RuiYue (Nibiru) Technology. Avtalet innebär att Nibiru blir återförsäljare av Crunchfishs mjukvara och kommer att erbjuda sin mjukvaruplattform för AR/VR produkter med geststyrning som en integrerad komponent. Avtalet löper tillsvidare med sex månaders uppsägningstid.  Genom avtalet blir Nibiru återförsäljare för Crunchfishs geststyrningsmjukvara mot leverantörer inom AR/VR. […]

Nasdaq First North-noterade Crunchfish fördjupar samarbetet med kinesiska Nanjing RuiYue (Nibiru) Technology. Avtalet innebär att Nibiru blir återförsäljare av Crunchfishs mjukvara och kommer att erbjuda sin mjukvaruplattform för AR/VR produkter med geststyrning som en integrerad komponent. Avtalet löper tillsvidare med sex månaders uppsägningstid. 

Genom avtalet blir Nibiru återförsäljare för Crunchfishs geststyrningsmjukvara mot leverantörer inom AR/VR. Detta betyder att Crunchfish väsentligt stärker sina försäljningskanaler och exponering på framförallt den kinesiska marknaden som förväntas uppvisa stark tillväxt inom AR/VR de närmaste åren.

Samarbetsavtalet genererar intäkter för Crunchfish när Nibirus kunder väljer att använda Crunchfishs mjukvara. Avtalet mellan Crunchfish och Nibiru löper tillsvidare med sex månaders ömsesidig uppsägningstid.

”Vi är mycket glada över vårt fördjupade samarbete med Nibiru. Avtalet stärker oss försäljningsmässigt genom att vi får ökad närvaro i Kina och att vi kommer ingå i ett komplett plattformserbjudande för AR/VR produkter. Detta är en attraktiv möjlighet som positionerar oss inom både VR, som vi förväntar oss kommer få ett uppsving, och inom Enterprise AR där vi ser Kina som en marknad med stor potential jämte USA och Europa,” säger Joakim Nydemark, VD på Crunchfish.

Ett första samarbete med Nibiru inleddes i augusti 2017 där Crunchfishs mjukvara gjordes till en del av referensdesignen i form av en demoapplikation. Inom denna fördjupning av samarbetet, integrerar Nibiru Crunchfishs mjukvara direkt i plattformen och agerar återförsäljare.

Crunchfishs strategi är att etablera partnerskap med ledande aktörer inom AR/VR för att kunna ta del av marknadsutvecklingen när volymerna tar fart. Crunchfish har under 2017 ingått och fördjupat strategiska samarbeten med globala aktörer, däribland Epson, Goertek, LLVision, ODG, Vuzix och Optinvent.

För ytterligare information, kontakta:

Joakim Nydemark, VD Crunchfish
0706 35 16 09                                                        

Certified Adviser: Sedermera Fondkommission.

Denna information är sådan information som Crunchfish AB är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s Marknadsmissbruksförordning. Informationen lämnades, genom ovanstående kontaktpersons försorg, för offentliggörande den 7 februari 2018. 

Om Crunchfish
Crunchfish utvecklar och marknadsför AR-teknologi som skapar nya interaktionsmöjligheter för m-handel och industriella samt sociala applikationer. Vår produkt Touchless A3D® gör det möjligt att styra enheter med gester. Vår mjukvaruplattform aBubbl® skapar innovativa m-handelslösningar och gör det möjligt att aktivera AR i vilken applikation som helst. Crunchfishs teknologier licensieras till både hårdvarutillverkare och applikationsbolag och finns för närvarande tillgänglig i miljontals enheter från globala aktörer. Crunchfish är noterat vid Nasdaq First North sedan 2016. Företaget grundades 2010 och har huvudkontor i Malmö. Besök för ytterligare information.

Om Nanjing RuiYue (Nibiru) Technology

Nibiru är ett mjukvaruföretag grundat 2013 som levererar lösningar till globala utvecklare av AR/VR produkter. Bland företagets partners märks Microsoft, Baidu, Vuzix och Huawei. Besök för mer information.         

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