Gesture Interaction

Crunchfish advances its gesture control technology to be compatible with high-speed and low-power NPU solutions

Augmented reality (AR) and AR smart glasses are thought to be the next technology revolution following the smartphone. Crunchfish is in the forefront of the AR scene with its gesture control technology and the company has recently started a development program to optimise its gesture control engine for Neural Processing Units (NPU). The initial results […]

Augmented reality (AR) and AR smart glasses are thought to be the next technology revolution following the smartphone. Crunchfish is in the forefront of the AR scene with its gesture control technology and the company has recently started a development program to optimise its gesture control engine for Neural Processing Units (NPU). The initial results are impressive, and the company assesses it will lead to an even faster and more accurate touchless gesture interaction.

An NPU is a processor that is optimised for processing thousands of computations simultaneously. A key advantage of the NPU technology is its ability to do the computations for neural networks at a high speed without consuming excessive amounts of resources or electricity. It is assessed that NPUs will be part of the augmented reality revolution as machine learning and power efficiency are key assets. The development of NPUs is fast-moving and each iteration of new hardware contain significant improvements in neural processors, as we have seen from recent launches by both Huawei and Qualcomm

Crunchfish is constantly following the development in hardware. To further strengthen its position within the AR segment and meet the requirements from the consumer segment, Crunchfish has for a while been running a development program to make its products compatible with NPUs. Using newly market launched NPU products from leading manufacturers, Crunchfish is testing its technology. The results show that Crunchfish can do gesture interaction faster and more energy efficient using NPU technology, and support for NPUs has been built into the official products. Crunchfish is thus ready for the NPU revolution.

Just recently, Crunchfish released its most powerful product to date – XR Tracking 2.0. The product offers the unique experience of a mouse-like UI paradigm by just using a hand. The position of the hand is tracked with high precision for a responsive UI feedback. It is easy to adopt to existing applications and offer a quick learning curve for the user since fewer gestures need to be remembered and the interaction can be made consistent.

To see the potential of Crunchfish’s powerful XR Tracking 2.0, please download the demo application. The demo demonstrates Crunchfish’s solution for efficient touchless interaction with most standard AR smart glasses. Using the pinch, open and closed hand, interactions such as navigation, item selection, annotation and zooming can be performed. The demo is available on:

  • Epson BT3xx
  • Lenovo New C200
  • RealWear HMT-1
  • Vuzix M-series (external link)
  • Smartphones (mobile AR)*

*Compatible with the majority smartphones running Android 5.0 or later.



Interested in bringing gesture controls to your AR hardware or software? Please contact our sales team:

Henrik Winberg, Sales Director at Crunchfish
+46 (0)702 126 129

Joakim Nydemark, CEO at Crunchfish
+46 (0)706 351 609

Crunchfish Proximity ingår partneravtal med Verisec

Crunchfishs helägda dotterbolag Crunchfish Proximity har ingått ett partneravtal med IT-säkerhetsbolaget Verisec för att erbjuda e-legitimationstjänsten Freja eID tillsammans Crunchfish Proximitys närhetsbaserade lösningar. Crunchfish Proximity fokuserar för närvarande på Blippit, som ger handeln nya möjligheter att checka ut i butik med mobilen. Avtalet innebär att Crunchfish Proximity kommer att integrera och bli återförsäljare av e-legitimationstjänsten Freja eID som identifieringsmetod.

Crunchfish Proximity utvecklar Blippits appterminal som erbjuder handeln nya möjligheter till att checka ut i butik. Med Blippit kan mobil betalning och andra rabatter lösas in i kassan med ett och samma blipp. Blippits lösning möjliggörs dels genom Crunchfishs teknologi för närhetsbaserad interaktion och dels det innovativa clearingsystem för kuponger och betalmedel som samägaren ClearOn har etablerat i de fler än 20 000 kassor som finns i cirka 6 000 butiker över hela Sverige. Genom aktuellt partneravtal integreras Freja eID och kan därmed erbjudas som digital identitetsmetod. Erbjudandet riktar sig inledningsvis till den svenska marknaden med avsikt att expandera internationellt i ett senare skede, vilket även stöds av att Freja eID är en internationellt skalbar e-legitimation.

Avtalstiden är initialt ett år och avtalet förlängs därefter årligen. Crunchfish Proximity kommer att äga rätt till del av de intäkter som avtal tecknade genom Crunchfish Proximity genererar.

”Blippit kommer att marknadslanseras under hösten 2019 och genom återförsäljaravtalet med Verisec har vi nu ytterligare ett alternativ till säker digital identifieringsmetod för de appar som knyts till Blippit. Fördelen med Freja eID är att tjänsten är internationell, vilket förbereder Blippit för expansion utanför Sverige”, kommenterar Paul Cronholm, VD för Crunchfish Proximity.

För mer information kontakta:
Paul Cronholm, VD Crunchfish Proximity
0722 21 12 28

Joakim Nydemark, VD Crunchfish
0706 35 16 09

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB är Certified Adviser. Epost:, telefon 040-200 250

Om Crunchfish –
Crunchfish AB (”Crunchfish”) utvecklar och marknadsför patenterade interaktionslösningar för mobil handel och augmented reality. Verksamheten kring mobil handel bedrivs i dotterbolaget Crunchfish Proximity med fokus på närhets­baserad interaktion. Med egenutvecklad appterminal och mjukvara möjliggörs blippbar kuponginlösen och betalning. Kommersialiseringen görs i samarbete med ClearOn i det gemensamma bolaget Blippit. Inom AR erbjuder bolaget mjukvara för geststyrning av AR-glasögon och annan konsumentelektronik. Mjukvaran är en av de ledande i världen och finns i tiotals miljoner enheter på marknaden genom kunder som OPPO, Epson och Lenovo. Crunchfish är noterat på Nasdaq First North sedan 2016. Företaget grundades 2010 med huvudkontor i Malmö. 

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Crunchfish releases its most powerful product to date – XR Tracking 2.0

Crunchfish is pleased to announce the public release of XR Tracking 2.0, which is the company’s newest and most powerful gesture software for Augmented Reality (AR) applications. With a full 3D experience XR Tracking 2.0 enables a powerful gesture interaction using a standard 2D RGB camera. On top of that there are a lot of […]

Crunchfish is pleased to announce the public release of XR Tracking 2.0, which is the company’s newest and most powerful gesture software for Augmented Reality (AR) applications. With a full 3D experience XR Tracking 2.0 enables a powerful gesture interaction using a standard 2D RGB camera. On top of that there are a lot of updates in underlying algorithms. XR Tracking 2.0 first debuted at Augmented World Expo (AWE) US in May 2019. Now, with an updated downloadable demo, Crunchfish is making it possible for everyone to try it out in minutes. 

Demand is growing for user-friendly and efficient ways to engage with AR smart glasses. Without a touchscreen, the natural way to interact is to use touchless hand gestures. Crunchfish is in the forefront of development within the AR sector and provides efficient gesture interaction for enterprise and consumer AR smart glasses.

XR Tracking 2.0 is made for touchless interaction in XR and was demoed at Augmented World Expo (AWE) US in May 2019. XR Tracking offers the unique experience of a mouse-like UI paradigm by just using a hand. The position of the hand is tracked with high precision for a responsive UI feedback. The detection is specially adopted for AR/VR glasses where the camera is mounted on the device, facing away from the user. The detected gesture also provides a tracked position. It is easy to adopt to existing applications and offer a quick learning curve for the user since fewer gestures need to be remembered and the interaction can be made consistent.

Check out XR Tracking 2.0 in action in this video:

Want to try it for yourself?

To show the potential of our powerful XR Tracking 2.0, Crunchfish has made a demo application publicly available. The demo demonstrates Crunchfish’s solution designed for efficient touchless interaction with most standard AR smart glasses. Using the pinch, open and closed hand, interactions such as navigation, item selection, annotation and zooming can be performed. The demo is available on:

  • Epson BT3xx
  • Lenovo New C200
  • RealWear HMT-1
  • Vuzix M-series (external link)
  • Smartphones (mobile AR)*

*Compatible with the majority smartphones running Android 5.0 or later.



Interested in bringing gesture controls to your AR hardware or software? Please contact our sales team:

Henrik Winberg, Sales Director at Crunchfish
+46 (0)702 126 129

Joakim Nydemark, CEO at Crunchfish
+46 (0)706 351 609

Intervju med Crunchfishs styrelseordförande Joachim Samuelsson

I samband med Småbolagsdagen den 3 juni 2019 intervjuades Crunchfishs styrelseordförande tillika Blippits VD Joachim Samuelsson kring bolagets verksamhet, framtidens betalningslösningar och Blippits mobila checkout-lösning.

I samband med Småbolagsdagen den 3 juni 2019 intervjuades Crunchfishs styrelseordförande tillika Blippits VD Joachim Samuelsson kring bolagets verksamhet, framtidens betalningslösningar och Blippits mobila checkout-lösning.

Crunchfish exhibited with its gesture control technology on the world’s largest AR+VR conference AWE USA 2019

Last week, Crunchfish attended the world’s largest AR+VR (Augmented Reality + Virtual Reality) conference, AWE (Augmented World Expo) 2019, in Santa Clara, USA where the company demonstrated its patented gesture interaction technology. The leading augmented reality companies in the world were brought together to exhibit augmented reality smart glasses, applications, software technologies, and more. The […]

Last week, Crunchfish attended the world’s largest AR+VR (Augmented Reality + Virtual Reality) conference, AWE (Augmented World Expo) 2019, in Santa Clara, USA where the company demonstrated its patented gesture interaction technology. The leading augmented reality companies in the world were brought together to exhibit augmented reality smart glasses, applications, software technologies, and more. The interest for touchless interaction grows every year and Crunchfish – as a leading provider of interaction technologies – demonstrated how touchless interaction with hand gestures will revolutionise how we interact with and experience our physical and virtual environment in AR.

AWE, the world’s most visited AR+VR conference now in its 10th year, gathered more industry professionals than ever before. Crunchfish participated with its own booth and exhibited its gesture control technology using AR-enabled mobile devices and augmented reality smart glasses from Vuzix and Realwear.

It was clear during the show that consumer products are now in the spotlight. Many new products were launched with better performance and more capacity than ever before, including Nreal’s smart glasses and Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 855 chipset and reference design. Following the success of Pokémon Go, new augmented reality games are being launched for the mobile and tablet market, including the much anticipated, Minecraft Earth game. Although Apple, the 3rd largest AR company in the world according to DigiCapital, did not exhibit at the show, the company is expected to launch an AR device for the consumer market within the next year. As the hype crescendos for the new Minecraft Earth and the AR gaming industry in general, one issue with AR gaming remains – power consumption. Because of this long-standing issue, Crunchfish has developed its gesture control software to be extremely power efficient. With its latest product track using NPU (neural processing unit), the company broadens its range of products with the most efficient and best-performing solution to date. Crunchfish takes pride in providing gesture solutions that exceeds the market’s expectations.

“During the show, we had many fruitful discussions about our technology and the advantages of using hand gestures for AR interaction. It is clear that Crunchfish has a market advantage with our pinch gesture and that we are at the forefront of gesture interaction with our energy efficient technology, which was confirmed during the conference”, comments Daniel Milesson, Head of R&D at Crunchfish..

Looking from a commercial aspect, it is clear that the market is growing. New segments were introduced at this year’s AWE and it is both within the enterprise segment and the earlier addressed consumer segment. More companies have conducted pilot studies and the atmosphere at the show enabled the exchange of knowledge and ideas. PTC and AMA are two major market players that presented their product lines with sharp use cases for Industrial AR (manufacturing, service and maintenance).

“A crucial aspect for a successful deployment of smart AR glasses is the user focus, where touchless interaction is a key contributor to accomplish outstanding experiences. During the AWE 2019 in Santa Clara we showed how our extensive knowledge in this field has resulted in one of the markets most intuitive gesture interaction technologies. This created a lot of attention and interest to our stand where we got the possibility to tighten our relationship with existing customers and partners, as well as connecting with a wide range of new potential clients”, comments Henrik Winberg, Head of Sales at Crunchfish.

AR glasses continue to get better performance and more attractive form factor. The segment will continue to develop and after seeing the Nreal smartglasses that are planned to be introduced later this year, it is fair to say that the design is getting closer to a product for consumer market and all day use with a much better form factor and design. It will be interesting following the development of the AR glasses segment. Crunchfish had many visitors in its booth requesting gesture control for AR smartglasses and the company demoed its solutions for market leading companies such as Qualcomm, Apple, Vuzix and PTC. The market has understood that interaction with glasses requires interaction methods, and that hand gesture control is the market leading solution.

“Crunchfish is pleased to see that the AR market continues to grow with interest from both the industry and consumers and that the interest in gesture control is bigger than ever. We had a great AWE show that gave us both new insights and many new customer leads”, finishes Joakim Nydemark, the CEO of Crunchfish.

#HemmaHos Crunchfish

Intervju med VD Joakim Nydemark och styrelseordförande Joachim Samuelsson kring Crunchfish och dess geststyrning samt Blippit och dess mobila checkout-lösning. Intervjun är baserad på en analys av bolaget gjord av Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance, vilken finns tillgänglig här:

Intervju med VD Joakim Nydemark och styrelseordförande Joachim Samuelsson kring Crunchfish och dess geststyrning samt Blippit och dess mobila checkout-lösning. Intervjun är baserad på en analys av bolaget gjord av Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance, vilken finns tillgänglig här: