Gesture Interaction

Crunchfish releases XR Tracking 2.1 at AWE EU 2019 – try it out in booth 310

Crunchfish’s market leading gesture control technology has been measurably improved with the development of Crunchfish XR Tracking 2.1. The new release has an extremely fast detection and needs less CPU power compared to previous versions. Crunchfish will show the new software for the first time in booth 310 at AWE EU in Munich on October […]

Crunchfish’s market leading gesture control technology has been measurably improved with the development of Crunchfish XR Tracking 2.1. The new release has an extremely fast detection and needs less CPU power compared to previous versions. Crunchfish will show the new software for the first time in booth 310 at AWE EU in Munich on October 17th-18th, 2019.

Gesture control enables interaction with AR devices in an intuitive way, making the experience fluid and immersive. Crunchfish’s gesture control is launched in tens of millions of units on the market and the company is a pioneer in gesture control.

Earlier this year, at AWE in Santa Clara in May 2019, Crunchfish presented the XR Tracking 2.0 software, which enables a powerful interaction using a standard 2D RGB camera. The company has since then continued making progress and exceeded the already impressive performance numbers. The updated XR Tracking 2.1 is very robust in its hand-tracking and has an extremely fast detection when using the core gestures such as pinch. XR Tracking 2.1 is also 20 % more energy efficient.

The new and improved XR Tracking 2.1 will be showed at AWE EU in Munich on October 17th-18th, 2019, using demo applications in AR smart glasses from Vuzix and Realwear as well as mobile AR using Android devices. Welcome to visit Crunchfish in booth 310 to discuss the possibilities of integrating gesture control in your AR hardware. 

“Our experience from consumer market, and advancements in Enterprise AR, has provided us with a profound know-how in what harsh conditions gesture detection needs to work. Our development team constantly make significant steps towards a more efficient solution for XR, and this version takes yet another big leap. We will proudly show this new accomplishment at the upcoming AWE in Munich”, comments Henrik Winberg, Sales Director at Crunchfish.

For more information, please contact:
Henrik Winberg, Sales Director at Crunchfish
+46 702 126 129

Joakim Nydemark, CEO of Crunchfish
+46 706 35 16 09

Integrating AR solutions in logistics with a positive ROI – conclusions from EWTS 2019

Crunchfish recently participated at the AR/VR event EWTS 2019, where the company’s gesture control was showcased at the booths of LogistiVIEW and Vuzix. One of the key trends discussed at EWTS 2019 was using Augmented Reality (AR) in logistics, where pilot studies showed increased efficiency and positive ROI in integrating AR in e.g. warehousing operations. […]

Crunchfish recently participated at the AR/VR event EWTS 2019, where the company’s gesture control was showcased at the booths of LogistiVIEW and Vuzix. One of the key trends discussed at EWTS 2019 was using Augmented Reality (AR) in logistics, where pilot studies showed increased efficiency and positive ROI in integrating AR in e.g. warehousing operations. Other strong use cases presented were remote assist and staff training using AR.  

EWTS (Enterprise Wearable Technology Summit) 2019 gathered over 100 enterprise presenters and approx. 1,000 attendees to discuss and presented the latest trends in business and industrial applications for wearables. Crunchfish was present and saw clear usage trends in enterprise AR such as logistics, staff training and remote assist combined with work instructions. These areas of use were all exemplified in presentations at the event, of real installations, pilots and full rollouts by companies from the industry.

The key element in logistics is efficiency. According to DHL, operations are estimated to account for about 20 % of all logistics costs, and the task of picking accounts for 55 % to 65 % of the total cost of warehousing operations. Using AR, companies can ensure an improved efficiency and eliminate time consuming and costly mistakes. During EWTS 2019, Crunchfish entered an agreement with LogistiVIEW, which is an American company using AR to make companies in logistics more efficient. The co-workers at the warehouse wear AR smart glasses to see a virtual pick-to-light system overlaid on real-world pick locations or put walls.

LogistiVIEW recently conducted a successful implementation at the warehouse of a successful e-commerce company, which significantly reduced load on the conveyor system. It also showed faster turn on customer orders as well as reduced inventory touches and travel time. Moreover, the integration of AR meant that new co-workers could start working in minutes instead of hours.

Samsung is another company that has chosen to integrate AR in logistics. In Samsung’s warehouse in the Netherlands, the company is fully operational with AR smart glasses, and the investment has resulted in a significant performance increase for the picking process. Besides that, the process quality has been improved by reducing the error rate.

As a conclusion from EWTS 2019 we can happily note that the enterprise market starts to realise the advantages of integrating AR smart glasses and that hand gesture control is essential for efficient use. Crunchfish brings back a number of interesting leads from EWTS 2019 and concludes the attendance to be a success.


Interested in bringing gesture control to your AR hardware or software? Please contact our sales team:

Henrik Winberg, Sales Director at Crunchfish
+46 (0)702 126 129

Joakim Nydemark, CEO of Crunchfish
+46 (0)706 351 609

Crunchfish ingår avtal med amerikanska LogistiVIEW

Crunchfish har ingått avtal med LogistiVIEW Inc. om att integrera bolagets geststyrningsteknologi i LogistiVIEWs produkter. LogistiVIEW erbjuder Augmented Reality (AR)-lösningar till bl.a. lager-, service- och tillverkningsindustrin. Avtalet omfattar dels en upfront-betalning och dels återkommande intäkter genom användarlicenser från LogistiVIEWs användare. Initialt ordervärde inkluderar uppstartssupport och uppgår till cirka 70 000 SEK. Utöver detta erhåller Crunchfish löpande en månatlig intäkt per enskild användare.

LogistiVIEW är ett amerikanskt bolag som har utvecklat en teknologiplattform för smarta AR-glasögon. Lösningen förenklar arbetsuppgifter inom industrin, vilket ger ökad produktivitet och minskad risk för fel. LogistiVIEW nyttjar kameran i smarta AR-glasögon för att förse användaren med arbetsinstruktioner baserade på AR. Resultatet är en kraftfull och effektiv upplevelse där information visualiseras på ett intuitivt sätt. Bolaget marknadsför sina produkter mot primärt lager-, service- och tillverkningsindustrin.

Crunchfishs geststyrningsteknologi kommer enligt avtalet att ingå i LogistiVIEWs produkterbjudanden, som bl.a. används på de smarta AR-glasögonen Vuzix M300 och M400. Crunchfish kommer att erhålla återkommande intäkter genom aktiva användarlicenser. Avtalet är löpande.

”LogistiVIEW arbetar med användarvänliga och intuitiva lösningar. Att integrera Crunchfishs geststyrning som en del i en multimodal interaktionslösning var för oss en självklarhet. Med alternativa interaktionsmöjligheter öppnar vi upp för signifikanta tidsbesparingar för våra kunder. Kombinationen av LogistiVIEWs och Crunchfishs mjukvaror öppnar upp nya affärsmöjligheter för LogistiVIEW”, kommenterar Seth Patin, VD och grundare av LogistiVIEW.

”LogistiVIEW ligger i framkant inom effektivitet och användarvänlighet i AR och vi är stolta att bli utvald teknikleverantör av geststyrning till deras lösningar. Avtalet är ett viktigt steg på den amerikanska marknaden, och understryker vikten av olika interaktionslösningar, där geststyrning löser många svåra interaktionsproblem”, kommenterar Henrik Winberg, säljchef på Crunchfish.

För mer information kontakta:
Joakim Nydemark, VD Crunchfish
0706 35 16 09

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB är Certified Adviser. Epost: Telefon +46 40 200 250.

Denna information är sådan information som Crunchfish AB är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning. Informationen lämnades, genom ovanstående kontaktpersons försorg, för offentliggörande den 18 september 2019. 

Om Crunchfish –

Crunchfish AB (”Crunchfish”) utvecklar och marknadsför patenterade interaktionslösningar för mobil handel och augmented reality. Verksamheten kring mobil handel bedrivs i dotterbolaget Crunchfish Proximity med fokus på närhets­baserad interaktion. Med egenutvecklad appterminal och mjukvara möjliggörs blippbar kuponginlösen och betalning. Kommersialiseringen görs i samarbete med ClearOn i det gemensamma bolaget Blippit. Inom AR erbjuder bolaget mjukvara för geststyrning av AR-glasögon och annan konsumentelektronik. Mjukvaran är en av de ledande i världen och finns i tiotals miljoner enheter på marknaden genom kunder som OPPO, Epson och Lenovo. Crunchfish är noterat på Nasdaq First North sedan 2016. Företaget grundades 2010 med huvudkontor i Malmö. 

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Crunchfish enters commercial agreement with LogistiVIEW Inc.

Crunchfish has entered a commercial agreement with LogistiVIEW Inc. regarding implementation of the company’s gesture control technology in LogistiVIEW’s products. LogistiVIEW provides Augmented Reality (AR) solutions for  warehouses, service and manufacturing industries etc. The agreement comprises an upfront payment as well as recurring revenue through user licenses. The upfront order value including startup support fee […]

Crunchfish has entered a commercial agreement with LogistiVIEW Inc. regarding implementation of the company’s gesture control technology in LogistiVIEW’s products. LogistiVIEW provides Augmented Reality (AR) solutions for  warehouses, service and manufacturing industries etc. The agreement comprises an upfront payment as well as recurring revenue through user licenses. The upfront order value including startup support fee is approx. SEK 70,000 plus a monthly license fee per user.  

LogistiVIEW is a US company that has developed a technology platform for smart AR glasses that simplifies tasks in the industry and thereby increases productivity as well as reduces the risk of inaccuracies. LogistiVIEW uses the camera in the smart AR glasses to provide the user with AR-based work instructions. The result is a powerful and effective experience where information is visualised in an intuitive way. The company markets its products to warehouses, service and manufacturing industries.

According to the agreement, Crunchfish’s gesture control technology will be included in LogistiVIEW’s product offering running on e.g. Vuzix M300 and M400 smart AR glasses, and Crunchfish will be entitled to recurring revenue through user licenses. The agreement runs until further notice.

“LogistiVIEW develops user-friendly and intuitive solutions. Integrating Crunchfish’s gesture control as part of a multimodal interaction solution came natural to us. With alternative interaction options, we open up significant time savings for our customers. The combination of LogistiVIEW’s and Crunchfish’s software opens up new business opportunities for LogistiVIEW”, comments Seth Patin, CEO and founder of LogistiVIEW.

“LogistiVIEW is a company in the forefront addressing efficiency and usability in AR, and we are very proud to become a technology provider bringing our gesture control to their solutions. The agreement is an important milestone for us in addressing the US market, and it underlines the need for a variety of interaction principles where gesture control solves specific pain points”, comments Henrik Winberg, Director of Sales at Crunchfish.


Interested in bringing gesture controls to your AR hardware or software? Please contact our sales team:

Henrik Winberg, Sales Director at Crunchfish
+46 (0)702 126 129

Joakim Nydemark, CEO of Crunchfish
+46 (0)706 351 609

Crunchfish extends the team with graduate in machine learning

Crunchfish has recruited the very talented Jonathan Astermark, who recently graduated from the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) at Lund University with an M.Sc. in Engineering Physics. Jonathan Astermark is specialised in machine learning and mathematics and he is thus extending the company’s team of experts in machine learning, computer vision and augmented reality. We would […]

Crunchfish has recruited the very talented Jonathan Astermark, who recently graduated from the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) at Lund University with an M.Sc. in Engineering Physics. Jonathan Astermark is specialised in machine learning and mathematics and he is thus extending the company’s team of experts in machine learning, computer vision and augmented reality. We would like to welcome Jonathan to the Crunchfish team, and we have also taken the chance to ask Jonathan some questions!

Jonathan, how did the interest in mathematics and physics grow on you?

I was born with an interest in science. Already from a young age, I knew that the field of science was the right path for me. The interest in mathematics grew in elementary school, and it blossomed during high school. I want to understand the logics between how things are connected and the deeper I need to dig to understand the basics, the more interesting I find it to be.

You’re a master’s graduate in engineering physics, what’s your field of knowledge?

My specialities are machine learning and mathematics. My master’s thesis focused on using pre-trained Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to produce synthetic images of faces and using them to train detectors based on Haar-like features. Basically, I was experimenting with new methods to replace real images with synthetic images and use the synthetic images to improve the models for detection. There are similarities to Crunchfish’s technology, which is using trained neural nets to detect hands and hand gestures.

What are you going to be working with at Crunchfish?

I have been eager to start looking into Crunchfish’s gesture engine. Currently, I’m working with Anders (Henrysson, Senior Research Engineer) with training of new networks. It’s very important to choose data that resembles the reality. Everything from environment, light etc. impacts the images, and I’m currently involved in optimising the architecture for the networks, and thus shortening the time for execution as well as improving the performance. So far, I have found it challenging, and thus entertaining, working with Crunchfish’s technology.

What do you enjoy doing on your spare time?

During my years at university, I was involved in Kristianstad’s Nation and e.g. the association’s spex and I am still to this date an elected Senior in the association. Further, I enjoy hanging out with my friends at the Nation and stream various series. I also like playing strategy games such as Civilization and Hearthstone.


If you’re looking for your next step in the career and thinking about becoming an employee at Crunchfish, please see our Career page! We are currently looking for a Senior Developer in Machine Learning.

Try out Crunchfish’s technology at EWTS and AWE EU

Crunchfish’s gesture control will be available to try out in Vuzix’s booth at EWTS in Dallas, September 17th-19th and in Crunchfish’s own booth at AWE EU in Munich, October 17th-18th.   Try out Crunchfish’s AR gesture control at Vuzix’s booth at EWTS EWTS is the most comprehensive event dedicated to business and industrial applications for wearables. Consisting of […]

Crunchfish’s gesture control will be available to try out in Vuzix’s booth at EWTS in Dallas, September 17th-19th and in Crunchfish’s own booth at AWE EU in Munich, October 17th-18th.


Try out Crunchfish’s AR gesture control at Vuzix’s booth at EWTS

EWTS is the most comprehensive event dedicated to business and industrial applications for wearables. Consisting of real-world case studies and expert-led group discussions, EWTS is where enterprises go to hear insights from leading enterprise experts as to the best practices for effective evaluation, adoption, and implementation of AR, VR, and wearables in the workplace.

Crunchfish has developed several demo applications of its gesture control technology to visualise gesture interaction in industrial AR use cases. During the EWTS conference in Dallas, Texas on September 17th – 19th, you can experience Crunchfish’s gesture control solution running on Vuzix’s powerful M400 glasses in the Vuzix booth. Crunchfish has been a provider of interaction technologies compatible with Vuzix devices since 2017. Vuzix is a leading supplier of connected eyewear products for use in the industrial and consumer markets. The company’s products offer users a high-quality viewing experience for industrial wearable displays, as well as consumer virtual and augmented reality experiences. Read more about Vuzix at

Crunchfish’s CEO Joakim Nydemark and Sales Director Henrik Winberg will participate on the EWTS conference and you can book a meeting with them here.

Gesture control is essential in AR – we show why at AWE EU 2019

AWE is the world’s largest conference for the AR/VR industry. Top innovators are gathered to showcase cutting-edge AR/VR experiences in all aspects of life and work. In this year’s event, the following topics are in focus: enterprise use cases and best practices, latest developer/creator tools, AR Cloud, WebXR, 5G & AI, and more.

Crunchfish – as a leading provider of interaction technologies – will demonstrate at AWE EU how gesture control revolutionise interaction with our physical and virtual environment in AR. To successfully deploy an AR application, user experience (UX) is one of the most important aspects. At AWE EU, Crunchfish will demo its gesture control technology using AR mobile devices and augmented reality smart glasses from Vuzix and Realwear.

Welcome to visit Crunchfish in booth 310 at AWE EU to try out our demos and experience user-friendly AR applications.