Gesture Interaction

XR Skeleton möjliggör interaktion med virtuella objekt

För att visa på möjligheterna och flexibiliteten i Crunchfishs geststyrningsprodukt – XR Skeleton – släpper bolaget idag en video, där interaktion med virtuella objekt och knappar visas upp. Bolagets geststyrningsprodukt XR Skeleton har som tidigare meddelats imponerande prestanda och avancerade features, vilket skapar förutsättningar att med hög precision interagera med virtuella objekt i såväl AR (augmenterad verklighet) som VR (virtuell verklighet) miljöer.  

XR Skeleton – Interaction with virtual objects

Genom att identifiera handens alla rörliga delar och konturer och sedan sammanlänka dessa punkter till en skelettstruktur öppnar möjligheten att med hög precision interagera med virtuella objekt. I den interaktionsvideo som nu finns tillgänglig finns exempel på hur man genom skelettmodellen kan nypa tag i objekt, ändra storlek och trycka på knappar. En viktig detalj som positivt påverkar användarupplevelsen är flexibiliteten i gesterna. Det spelar ingen roll om man trycker på knapparna med ett finger, två fingrar eller hela handen – det fungerar lika bra, vilket visar på hur intuitiv interaktionen är. Självklart kan man tycka, men extremt svårt att lösa tekniskt utan en skelettmodell.

En viktig skillnad mellan AR och VR är att man i AR hela tiden ser verkligheten och användarens riktiga händer. Detta medför komplexiteten att systemet måste hålla reda på exakt var händerna befinner sig i förhållande till all augmenterad information, som exempelvis planeterna i videon ovan. Som användare ska upplevelsen vara att objekten liksom händerna är verkliga och då måste användaren kunna ta i och flytta på objekten som om de vore verkliga. Att möjliggöra denna intuitiva geststyrning är en av Crunchfish XR Skeletons absoluta styrkor.

“Vi är stolta att kunna visa hur vår XR Skeleton lösning kan fungera i en AR-miljö, där precisionen och följsamheten i interaktionen tydligt framgår. Vi fortsätter ständigt att lyfta lösningen tekniskt och det råder ingen tvekan om att vi är bland de bästa i världen inom området geststyrning”, säger Daniel Milesson, Utvecklingschef på Crunchfish Gesture Interaction AB

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Joakim Nydemark, VD Crunchfish Gesture Interaction AB
+46 706 35 16 09

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

ulf.rogius.svensson@crunchfish.comVästra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB är Certified Adviser. Epost: Telefon +46 40 200 250.

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New XR Skeleton release brings significantly improved precision and performance

Today, Crunchfish launches an update of its latest gesture control product XR Skeleton with further precision and performance improvements as well as features. In XR Skeleton 1.1, Crunchfish has managed to compress more functions in the same neural network and doubled the precision with a 30 percent reduction in processing power. With an ordinary mobile camera, XR Skeleton detects and follows the hand through 21 points in three dimensions.

By identifying all the moving parts and contours of the hand and then linking these points together into a skeletal structure, the possibility of using 3D models as an exact image of the hand and its position in an augmented reality is opened up. Crunchfish’s latest software provides a full 3-dimensional experience despite the use of a standard 2-dimensional mobile camera watch video.

The technology behind the XR Skeleton software product is based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the use of advanced neural networks. This gives the system intelligence to calculate how a hand moves in all three dimensions, even though the camera used can only read the hand “flat”, i.e. in two dimensions. This normally requires several large neural networks, which is demanding both on the processor and the battery. In XR Skeleton 1.1, Crunchfish has managed to compress more functions in the same neural network and thus increased performance by 30 percent. The precision in XR Skeleton 1.1, i.e. how close each of the 21 points on the hand is to the actual joint on the hand, has also been doubled.

An important difference between augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) is that in AR, you always see reality. This brings the complexity that all augmented information, such as the robot hand in the video above, must follow the real hand with extreme precision to give the user a good experience. Achieving this is one of Crunchfish’s main strengths.

“Since the last product release, we have taken further steps forward in the area of recreating 3D information based on 2D images. This is largely done through an advanced process for producing very high-quality data in combination with deep expertise in optimizing neural networks for real-time applications. With the latest version of XR Skeleton, we show the team’s incredible ability to create extremely efficient solutions with small resources,” says Daniel Milesson, Head of R&D at Crunchfish Gesture Interaction AB.

For more information, please contact:
Joakim Nydemark, CEO Crunchfish Gesture Interaction AB
+46 706 35 16 09

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

About Crunchfish –
Crunchfish is a tech company with a patent-pending solution for digital offline payments that can be integrated both with the payment rail or in a mobile wallet. The offline solution is globally scalable and makes digital payments more robust as the risks of disruptions and downtime are eliminated. We have also developed Blippit, an app terminal that connects to a cash register system for both online and offline payments. Crunchfish also develops gesture control of smart AR glasses for the consumer market. Crunchfish has been listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016 with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with representation in India.

Ny release av XR Skeleton ger betydligt bättre precision och prestanda

Crunchfish lanserar idag en uppdatering av sin senaste geststyrningsprodukt XR Skeleton med ytterligare förbättrad precision, prestanda och nya features. I XR Skeleton 1.1 har Crunchfish lyckats pressa ihop fler funktioner i ett och samma neurala nätverk och därmed fördubblat produktens precision med en 30-procentig reduktion i processorkraft. XR Skeleton kan med en helt vanlig mobilkamera detektera och följa 21 punkter i handen i tre dimensioner.

Genom att identifiera handens alla rörliga delar och konturer och sedan sammanlänka dessa punkter till en skelettstruktur öppnas möjligheten att använda 3D-modeller som en exakt avbildning av handen och dess position i en förstärkt verklighet. Crunchfishs senaste mjukvara ger en full 3-dimensionell upplevelse trots att en vanlig 2-dimensionell mobilkamera används – se video.

Teknologin bakom mjukvaruprodukten XR Skeleton bygger på Artificiell Intelligens (AI) och användning av avancerade neurala nätverk. Detta ger systemet intelligens att räkna ut hur en hand rör sig i alla tre dimensionerna trots att kameran som används bara kan läsa av handen ”platt”, dvs i två dimensioner. Detta kräver normalt sett flera stora neurala nätverk, vilka är processor- och batterikrävande. I XR Skeleton 1.1 har Crunchfish lyckats pressa ihop fler funktioner i ett och samma neurala nät och därmed ökat prestandan med 30 procent. Samtidigt har precisionen i XR Skeleton 1.1 fördubblats, dvs hur nära var och en av de 21 punkterna på handen är den verkliga leden på handen.

En viktig skillnad mellan augmenterad verklighet (AR) och virtuell verkligen (VR) är att man i AR hela tiden ser verkligheten. Detta medför komplexiteten att all augmenterad information, som exempelvis robothanden i videon ovan, måste följa den verkliga handen med extrem precision för att ge användaren en bra upplevelse. Att åstadkomma detta är en av Crunchfishs absoluta styrkor.

“Sedan förra produktreleasen har vi tagit ytterligare kliv framåt i området att återskapa 3D information utifrån 2D bilder. Detta till stor del genom en avancerad process för framtagning av mycket högkvalitativ data i kombination med djup expertis inom optimering av neurala nätverk för realtidsapplikationer. Med den senaste versionen av XR Skeleton visar vi teamets otroliga förmåga att skapa extremt effektiva lösningar med små resurser”, säger Daniel Milesson, utvecklingschef på Crunchfish Gesture Interaction AB

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Joakim Nydemark, VD Crunchfish Gesture Interaction AB
+46 706 35 16 09

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB är Certified Adviser. Epost: Telefon +46 40 200 250.

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Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance has published an updated analysis on Crunchfish

Today, on February 19, Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance has published an updated analysis on Crunchfish titled “Crunchfish: Partners and Patents”. The analysis is available as an attached document and through this link.

In the analysis, Västra Hamnen writes: “Yesterday’s full year report from Crunchfish shows how the company’s focus is evolving more and more towards digital cash. Crunchfish has released a string of press releases recently, detailing new partnerships and patents in this area. Its ambitions have now grown far beyond instant payments in India and the Nordic area. The company has patented solutions that would facilitate offline digital cash payments for any digital wallet anywhere, irrespective of whether the underlying payment structure is a card network, an instant payment network, central bank digital currency, or a combination of these.”

In the analysis, an unchanged share price interval according to the DCF model of 25,30 SEK – 40,10 SEK per share is stated. The full analysis is available on Västra Hamnen’s and Crunchfish’s websites.

In connection with the publication of the Q4 report, an interview with Crunchfish’s CEO Joachim Samuelsson on the theme “Solving for the future” was published. This interview is available here:

Furthermore, a live interview on the theme “Digital Cash Partners and Patents” with Joachim Samuelsson and Alf Riple, head analyst at Västra Hamnen, was done. This interview is available here:

As a service to the company’s shareholders and with the purpose to increase transparency, Crunchfish has commissioned Västra Hamnen to conduct analysis of the company. The analysis includes an independent review of the company, its products, markets and competitors as well as a financial scenario that serves as a basis for an estimate of a motivated market cap of the company.

For more information, please contact:
Joachim Samuelsson, CEO Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

About Crunchfish –
Crunchfish is a tech company with a patent-pending solution for digital offline payments that can be integrated both with the payment rail or in a mobile wallet. The offline solution is globally scalable and makes digital payments more robust as the risks of disruptions and downtime are eliminated. We have also developed Blippit, an app terminal that connects to a cash register system for both online and offline payments. Crunchfish also develops gesture control of smart AR glasses for the consumer market. Crunchfish has been listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016 with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with representation in India.

Can you see into the future? Crunchfish creates it.

For too long, mankind has adapted to technology. It should have been the other way around. For example, why are we dependent on the net when we pay? Why do we walk around looking own at our phones all of the time? Why is it hard to communicate with the proximity? These are challenges that can only be solved by radical new thinking and cutting-edge technology. Crunchfish is a tech company that creates a society to suit people.

Crunchfish uses a broad focus to meet tomorrow’s challenges with innovative solutions in widely differing areas such as solutions for payment, food waste, nearby interaction and gesture control for smart glasses. It’s a motley list, but it’s also why Crunchfish can contribute to the society of tomorrow. With a rare combination of courage and technical know-how, the company tackles the most varied everyday challenges within five solution areas.

Digital Cash – Why are we dependent on the net when we pay?
7 patent pending inventions in 2020, none granted yet.

Crunchfish’s most recent solution area is Digital Cash, where the company enables cash in digital form. The flexibility to pay digitally, combined with the effects of the pandemic, mean that the use of cash is declining rapidly, but this has also made us vulnerable since we have become dependent on the connections and payment services that work there and then. This is an unnecessary risk to take, and a typical example of how technology sets up unnecessary obstacles, explains Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish.

  • The time-critical payment moment should be implemented as a separate step, completely separate from the subsequent transfer between accounts. This simple and ingenious change means that we magically eliminate all the online factors that can fail when we make payments. Crunchfish’s Digital Cash really always works, is easy to use and, last but not least, it lets you stay anonymous. The bank doesn’t need to know what you do simply because you pay digitally.

    Blippit – Why can’t we blip in many more situations?

6 patent-pending inventions since 2017, of which 5 have been granted.

Blippit delivers smooth payment solutions. Blipping is convenient, and Crunchfish makes it as easy to pay with Swish as to blip a card. The Blippit app terminal is the bridge between the customer’s mobile and the in-store POS. The technology also enables blipping in other situations, for example when finding offers, checking in, unlocking or logging in using a mobile phone.

  • Blippit’s big breakthrough is its Digital Cash, because the app terminal transfers offline payments directly to the cash register.

    Food waste – Why do we throw away a third of all produced food?

1 patented invention in 2019 that has been granted.

One third of all food produced is thrown away. This is huge financial costs and has a big negative impact on the climate and the environment. Thanks to an automated way for sellers to give consumers a discount at the checkout if they don’t casually choose the freshest product. It’s all based on the fact that in the near future, the striped EAN code on goods will be swapped for a checkered QR code. This code can also contain information about each individual product, such as its best-before date. Tempting discounts on older goods will affect our buying behavior and reduce food waste. Simple and ingenious.

Nearby – Why is it hard to communicate with the proximity?
14 patent-pending inventions from 2014, of which 12 have been granted.

Proximity is the next area for the mobile to conquer. It can also be digitized, to let people understand much more about their surroundings than is possible using only our senses. The mobile phone can let you discover and communicate with everything and everyone nearby. With approval, it makes it possible to discover and communicate with everyone around our own digital bubbles. Seamless superpowers.

Gestures – Why do we walk around looking down at our mobiles all the time?
12 patent-pending inventions from 2012, of which 11 have been granted.

Gesture control lets you control your electronics using only your hands. For example, skip the selfie stick and take photos from a distance with Crunchfish’s popular free GoCam app, available on the app store. The big breakthrough for gesture control, however, is the smart AR glasses. They free our hands, finally letting us lift our gaze from the phone screen.

– Crunchfish’s success is based on radical innovation that is manifested in an offensive patent strategy. Patents protect the company for 20 years from the application date. We have applied for 40 inventions, of which 29 have already been granted patents in some markets, despite the fact that Crunchfish only has 25 employees. An impressive invention workshop, says Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish. Crunchfish is an absolutely world-class tech company, solving tomorrow’s challenges in radically new ways. We never let technology dictate the conditions – we always adapt it to what fits us humans best.

Crunchfish is a tech company with patent-pending solutions for Digital Cash that can be integrated with both the payment rail and in mobile wallets. The solutions are globally scalable and makes digital payments more robust as the risks of disruptions and downtime are eliminated. We have also developed Blippit, an app terminal that connects to cash register systems for both online and offline payments and have a patent-pending solution to reduce food waste. Crunchfish also develops gesture control of smart AR glasses for the consumer market. Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with representation in India.

This article was originally published on February 4, 2021 in the Morgondagens Samhälle #1 appendix in Dagens Industri.