Digital Cash

Accelerating the mobile payment space – an Indo Swedish knowledge transaction


On June 17th, Crunchfish AB and Business Sweden hosted this open webinar, titled “Accelerating the mobile payment space – an Indo-Swedish knowledge transfer”. Sweden and India both offer valuable lessons from their mobile payment journeys. This webinar aimed to showcase a glimpse of this potential opportunity for knowledge transfer with best examples from Sweden and […]

On June 17th, Crunchfish AB and Business Sweden hosted this open webinar, titled “Accelerating the mobile payment space – an Indo-Swedish knowledge transfer”. Sweden and India both offer valuable lessons from their mobile payment journeys. This webinar aimed to showcase a glimpse of this potential opportunity for knowledge transfer with best examples from Sweden and India in the mobile payment space. The webinar was moderated by Joachim Samuelsson, CEO at Crunchfish, who were joined by Kunal Kalawatia, Chief of Marketing at NPCI, Upasana Taku, Co-founder of MobiKwik, Joseph Hajj, CSO at Swish, Paul Cronholm, CTO at Crunchfish and Rahul Misra, SPM at Business Sweden.

Crunchfish ingår partneravtal med Extenda Retail för Swish-betalningar


Crunchfish AB (”Crunchfish”) meddelar idag att bolaget har ingått ett partneravtal med Extenda Retail AB (”Extenda Retail”), avseende integration av Blippits SDK för Swish-betalningar i Extenda Retails RS POS-kassa.

Extenda Retail är Nordens ledande kassasystemsleverantör med installationer i Nordens största butikskedjor inom retail och dagligvaruhandeln. Med Blippits SDK kommer möjligheten öppnas upp för mobila betalningar till RS POS, både i traditionell kassa och för självutcheckningskassor (self-checkout). Crunchfish och Extenda Retail kommer gemensamt att marknadsföra tjänsten till Extenda Retails befintliga kunder. Den finansiella påverkan för Crunchfish inom ramarna för avtalet är avhängigt hur många av Extenda Retails kunder som väljer att integrera lösningen i sina RS POS-kassor. Ambitionen från båda parter är att Blippits SDK framöver även ska integreras i fler av Extenda Retails lösningar.

”Det är mycket glädjande för oss att vi ingått detta partneravtal med Extenda Retail, som har tusentals kassainstallationer ute på marknaden i flera av landets största butikskedjor. Med Blippits SDK installerat i Extenda Retails kassasystem kommer handlarna att kunna erbjuda sina kunder friktionsfria och enkla mobilbetalningar. Vi ser fram emot att tillsammans marknadsföra vår lösning till Extenda Retails kunder, och vi är övertygade att detta partneravtal kommer att leda till ett marknadsgenombrott för Crunchfishs lösningar för friktionsfria mobila betalningar”, kommenterar Patrik Lindeberg, COO på Crunchfish.

”Som marknadsledare inom butiks- och kassalösningar till retail- och dagligvaruhandeln har vi under en längre tid sett en trend mot mobila betalningar, och vi märker nu av en ökande efterfrågan från våra kunder för denna typ av lösningar. Tillsammans med Crunchfish kommer vi att kunna erbjuda Swish-betalningar till våra kunder på ett ännu smidigare sätt än tidigare. Det blir ett starkt tillägg till detta redan mycket kompetenta kassasystem och passar perfekt med det fokus på safe shopping som vi och våra kunder haft på senare tid”, säger Michael Jakobsson, Partner Manager på Extenda Retail.

Om Extenda Retail
Extenda Retail är en ledande leverantör av kassalösningar och liknade tjänster till retail-sektorn. Den omfattande portföljen av lösningar inkluderar bland annat ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) till detaljhandeln, Point-of-Sales-lösningar, lagerhanteringssystem, programvara för lojalitetsprogram samt recepthantering för Apotek. Extenda Retail har expertis från nästan 40 år av programvaruutveckling för detaljhandeln, och hundratals detaljhandelskedjor med närvaro i över 35 länder över hela världen använder bolagets lösningar. Sedan hösten 2018 verkar Extenda Retail under det nya varumärket med stöd av STG Partners, ett USA-baserat investmentbolag med ett stort antal framgångsrika investeringar i tech-bolag.
Upptäck mer på eller följ bolaget på LinkedIn

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Joachim Samuelsson, VD
+46 708 46 47 88

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Denna information är sådan information som Crunchfish AB är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning. Informationen lämnades, genom ovanstående kontaktpersons försorg, för offentliggörande den 29 juni 2020.

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB är Certified Adviser. Epost: Telefon +46 40 200 250.

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Crunchfish receives Notice of Allowance of a Swedish patent for automated individual pricing based on individual product information


Crunchfish AB (“Crunchfish”) has received a Notice of Allowance from the Swedish Patent and Registration Office (PRV) that patent application 1950539-5 will be granted, concerning an automated method for individual pricing of a product based on the individual characteristics of the product, such as best-before-date, or batch number. The patent has a broad scope of […]

Crunchfish AB (“Crunchfish”) has received a Notice of Allowance from the Swedish Patent and Registration Office (PRV) that patent application 1950539-5 will be granted, concerning an automated method for individual pricing of a product based on the individual characteristics of the product, such as best-before-date, or batch number. The patent has a broad scope of protection that applies to all in-store payments, not just when Crunchfish’s proximity-based technology is used. The patent right in Sweden is valid until May 2039. A corresponding patent application has also been filed internationally and deemed patentable by PRV.

Consumers typically choose the goods on the store shelf that has the longest shelf life. This means that when fresher goods are unpacked, the older goods will remain and eventually be discarded. With modern product labelling according to the new GS1 Digital Link standard, an individual package can be labelled with information about where, when and how it was manufactured. This patent uses the individual product information in the GS1 Digital Link to offer the consumer a pre-programmed dynamic discount which, for example, can be bigger the closer to a product’s best-before date. Alternatively, the discount can only be offered for goods manufactured in a certain batch. In addition, the patent contains protection to include personal information about the customer, which can easily be sent to the cash register using Crunchfish’s proximity-based technology, in order to influence the price of the product.

GS1 Digital Link is a further development of the traditional EAN product code that enables traceability and better sustainability management, but also new opportunities in marketing and sales. GS1 develops common standards to give products, services and locations around the world a unique identity, collect data on them and then share the information within and between business systems. GS1 standards are used by over 1.5 million companies in over 100 countries. In Sweden alone, over 12,000 companies use GS1’s standards in their daily operations.


“This is an exciting patent for Crunchfish with general applicability in the retail sector and in particular for the grocery trade. The patent creates opportunities for suppliers and merchants to get consumers to choose goods that, although there is nothing wrong with them, risk being passed over if there are fresher goods or a better production batch available. This is important from an environmental, logistics and cost perspective”, says Joachim Samuelsson, CEO at Crunchfish.

Crunchfish’s patent portfolio
Crunchfish has, nationally and internationally, 69 active patents and patent applications in two technology areas – proximity-based technology and gesture control. Within proximity-based technology, there are 25 unique inventions, 17 of which have been granted patents in any market. Within the gesture control business, 11 of 12 inventions have been granted patents. The company owns all its patents and patent applications without restrictions.

Crunchfish’s strategy is to protect the company’s technology in all geographic markets that are deemed to be of importance. Crunchfish intends to continuously expand its patent portfolio to selected markets and through new inventions in both gesture control and augmented reality.

For more information, contact:
Joachim Samuelsson, CEO at Crunchfish
+46 708 46 47 88

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

Link to the original press release in Swedish

Open webinar about accelerating the mobile payment spaces in India and Sweden


Invitation On June 17th, Crunchfish AB and Business Sweden will host an open webinar, titled “Accelerating the mobile payment space – an Indo-Swedish knowledge transfer”. Sweden and India both offer valuable lessons from their mobile pay­ment journeys. This webinar aims to showcase a glimpse of this potential opportunity for knowledge transfer with best examples from […]


On June 17th, Crunchfish AB and Business Sweden will host an open webinar, titled “Accelerating the mobile payment space – an Indo-Swedish knowledge transfer”. Sweden and India both offer valuable lessons from their mobile pay­ment journeys. This webinar aims to showcase a glimpse of this potential opportunity for knowledge transfer with best examples from Sweden and India in the mobile payment space. The webinar will be moderated by Joachim Samuelsson, CEO at Crunchfish, who will be joined by five senior executives from the Indian and Swedish mobile payment markets.


More information about the webinar:

  • Panelists: Kunal Kalawatia, Chief of Marketing at NPCI, Upasana Taku, Co-founder of MobiKwik, Joseph Hajj, CSO at Swish, Paul Cronholm, CTO at Crunchfish and Rahul Misra, SPM at Business Sweden.
  • Date and time: June 17th, 12:30 CET / 16:00 IST
  • Link to registration:


For more information, contact:
Joachim Samuelsson, CEO at Crunchfish
+46 708 46 47 88


Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05


Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

200608 – Invitation to webinar

Crunchfish godkänt som medlem i Payments Council of India

Crunchfish AB (”Crunchfish”) meddelar idag att bolaget har godkänts som medlem i Payments Council of India (”PCI”). PCI är en intresseorganisation skapat av ett stort antal bolag som är verksamma inom betalnings- och Fintech-sektorn i Indien, i syfte att representera medlemmarnas intressen i branschövergripande frågor. PCI är också en stark drivkraft i Indiens pågående utveckling mot digitala betalningar. Organisationen har idag över 80 medlemsföretag, inklusive flera av världens största aktörer inom betalningsbranschen.

”Eftersom Indien är en av de marknader som vi nu fokuserar mest på, är det också naturligt för oss att vara medlem i den intresseorganisation som tar tillvara på vår branschs intressen gentemot bankerna, Indiska riksbanken och den indiska regeringen. PCI är en stark drivkraft bakom Indiens pågående utveckling mot digitala betalningar och arrangerar dessutom varje år ett stort antal event, mässor och liknande aktiviteter för att lyfta fram betalnings- och Fintech-sektorn i Indien. Att Crunchfish nu är medlem i PCI kommer vara en viktig del i vår bearbetning av den indiska marknaden”, kommenterar Crunchfishs VD Joachim Samuelsson.

The Payments Council of India bildades med stöd av IAMAI (The Internet and Mobile Association of India) år 2013 med syfte att tillgodose den digitala betalningsindustrins behov. PCI bildades bland annat i syfte att företräda medlemsbolagen inom betalningsindustrin för att hantera och hjälpa till att arbeta med branschövergripande frågor. PCI arbetar med alla sina medlemmar för att främja betalningsindustrins tillväxt och för att stödja de nationella målsättningarna “Cash to Less Cash Society” och “Growth of Financial Inclusion“, visioner som delas med Indiens Riksbank (Reserve Bank of India) och Indiens regering. PCI har ett nära samarbete med tillsynsmyndigheter, RBI, finansministeriet och liknande myndigheter, avdelningar, organ och institutioner för att göra Indien till ett mindre kontantberoende samhälle.

Mer information om PCI finns tillgänglig via följande länk:

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Joachim Samuelsson, VD
+46 708 46 47 88

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB är Certified Adviser. Epost: Telefon +46 40 200 250.

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Crunchfish approved as a member of the Payments Council of India

Crunchfish AB (“Crunchfish”) today announces that the company has been approved as a member of the Payments Council of India (“PCI”). PCI is an interest organization created by a large number of companies operating in the payment and Fintech sectors in India, with the aim of representing members’ interests in cross-sectoral issues. PCI is also […]

Crunchfish AB (“Crunchfish”) today announces that the company has been approved as a member of the Payments Council of India (“PCI”). PCI is an interest organization created by a large number of companies operating in the payment and Fintech sectors in India, with the aim of representing members’ interests in cross-sectoral issues. PCI is also a strong driver of India’s ongoing development towards digital payments. Today, the organization has over 80 member companies, including several of the world’s largest players in the payment industry.


”Since India is one of the markets that we are most focused on, it is natural for us to be a member of the organization that takes care of our industry’s interests vis-à-vis the banks, the Reserve Bank of India and the Indian government. PCI is a strong driving force behind India’s ongoing development towards digital payments and also organizes a large number of events, fairs and similar activities every year to highlight the payment and Fintech sectors in India. The fact that Crunchfish is now a member of PCI will be an important part of our processing of the Indian market”, says Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish.


About PCI

The Payments Council of India was formed under the aegis of IAMAI in the year 2013 catering to the needs of the digital payment industry. The Council was formed inter-alia for the purposes of representing the various regulated non-banking payment industry players, to address and help resolve various industry level issues and barriers which require discussion and action. The council works with all its members to promote payments industry growth and to support our national goal of ‘Cash to Less Cash Society’ and ‘Growth of Financial Inclusion’ which is also the Vision Shared by the RBI and Government of India. PCI works closely with the regulators i.e. Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Finance Ministry and any similar government, departments, bodies or Institution to make ‘India a less cash society’.


More information about PCI is available via the following link:


For more information, contact:
Joachim Samuelsson, CEO at Crunchfish
+46 708 46 47 88


Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05


Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

200604 – Medlemskap i PCI – English