Digital Cash

Tre webinarier om statens roll på den digitala betalmarknaden


I oktober och november 2020 arrangeras en serie med tre öppna webinarier om statens roll på den digitala betalmarknaden. Webinarierna arrangeras av Digitaliseringsnätverket i Sveriges Riksdag i samarbete med Crunchfish och Svensk Handel och kommer gå av stapeln klockan 11:30 den 7 oktober, den 21 oktober samt den 4 november. Moderator för samtliga webinarier är Joachim Samuelsson, VD för Crunchfish.

7 oktober 11:30 – 12:30 – Nuläge och frågeställningar
Panelister: Riksbanken, Svensk Handel och Mastercard.

21 oktober 11:30 – 12:30 – Tekniska möjligheter (in english)
Panelister – Crunchfish, Swish och Accenture

4 november 11:30 – 12:30 – Politisk diskussion
Panelister – Riksdagsledamöter från Finansutskottet


Länk till anmälan:

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Joachim Samuelsson, VD
+46 708 46 47 88

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB är Certified Adviser. Epost: Telefon +46 40 200 250.

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Seamless Swish payments via Blippit app terminal now available for Extenda Retail’s customers


Extenda Retail today announces the release of a seamless Swish payment solution for its point of sale (POS) and self checkout (SCO) products. The solution is developed in collaboration with Crunchfish and is based on Blippit, the world’s first app terminal. Add-ons with support for Blippit and Swish are available as an easy upgrade for […]

Extenda Retail today announces the release of a seamless Swish payment solution for its point of sale (POS) and self checkout (SCO) products. The solution is developed in collaboration with Crunchfish and is based on Blippit, the world’s first app terminal. Add-ons with support for Blippit and Swish are available as an easy upgrade for immediate delivery.

Extenda Retail is the Nordic region’s leading POS software supplier with installations at the largest chains in the retail and FMCG sectors. With Blippit, Extenda Retail’s POS now offers a seamless Swish payment solution, both in the traditional manned POS checkouts as well as in the self-checkout kiosks. Blippit enables a smoother checkout flow, allowing customers to check out and pay with a single “blip”, using their own smartphone. To enable Blippit support, the merchant only needs a small software update with the Blippit add-on, and then just to connect the plug-and-play Blippit app terminal to a free USB-port.

“As a market leader in POS and checkout solutions, we are seeing an increasing demand from our customers for contactless mobile payment solutions. Together with Crunchfish, we are now able to offer an even more seamless Swish payment solution to our customers. It will be a strong addition to our already highly competent POS and SCO solutions and fits perfectly with the focus on safe shopping that Extenda Retail and our customers have. Together with Crunchfish, we are also exploring ways to integrate Blippit in additional products of the Extenda Retail product portfolio, in the near future”, says Michael Jakobsson, Partner Manager at Extenda Retail.

“It is very gratifying for us that we are now able to offer Swish payments together with Extenda Retail, a market leader with thousands of POS-installations out on the market in several of the country’s largest retail chains. With Blippit installed in Extenda Retail’s POS and SCO, merchants are now able to offer their customers frictionless Swish payments. We are really looking forward to rolling out this innovative payment solution to Extenda Retail’s customers”, says Patrik Lindeberg, Vice President Global Sales at Crunchfish.

For more information, please contact:
Patrik Lindeberg
Vice President Global Sales
+46 730 35 67 15

Ebba Nyberg
Communications & Content Manager
Extenda Retail
tel:+46 732 512 561

Michael Jakobsson
Partner Manager – Add-on Integrations
Extenda Retail
tel: +46 73 180 41 05

About Extenda Retail
Extenda Retail inspires retailers to go further through frictionless and flexible software, which helps retailers grow their business and optimise their customers’ experience. The extensive portfolio of solutions includes retail ERP, POS (point-of-sale) & Checkout, WMS, Customer Intelligence & Loyalty, and Pharmacy software. With almost 40 years as an industry leader in retail software development, hundreds of retail chains with a presence in over 36 countries across the globe utilise solutions by Extenda Retail. Learn more at or follow us on LinkedIn.

About Crunchfish
Crunchfish is a Swedish tech company that develops and markets interaction solutions for mobile payment in a physical environment. Crunchfish Proxilink is a local two-way bluetooth connection between a customer payment app and a merchant payment gateway, that may use Blippit app terminal to connect to the POS terminal. Proxilink facilitates payments completely offline using an Offline Wallet or through Online by Proxy when only the customer or the merchant is connected to the payment service. Crunchfish Proxilink products are marketed to payment service providers, cash registers and merchants world-wide, with a focus on Sweden and India.

Link to original release by Crunchfish from June 29, 2020 (in Swedish).


Swimmingly easy payments. Proxilink.


By establishing a local two-way connection between the customers’ app and the merchants’ payment gateway, we provide an additional secure connection that ensures mobile payments work swimmingly – even offline.

By establishing a local two-way connection between the customers’ app and the merchants’ payment gateway, we provide an additional secure connection that ensures mobile payments work swimmingly – even offline.

Swimmingly easy payments. Blippit.

Blippit enables a smoother check-out flow, allowing customers to check out and pay with just a single blip using their own smartphone.

Blippit enables a smoother check-out flow, allowing customers to check out and pay with just a single blip using their own smartphone.

Crunchfish ingår samarbetsavtal med V-Key om marknadsföring och teknologi för Offline Wallet


Crunchfish AB (”Crunchfish”) meddelar idag att företaget har ingått ett samarbetsavtal med V-Key Pte Ltd (”V-Key”) avseende marknadsföring och teknisk utveckling baserat på parternas respektive mjukvaruprodukter för Crunchfishs patentsökta Offline Wallet. V-Key är ett mjukvarubolag inom digital säkerhet med huvudkontor i Singapore. V-Key är uppfinnare av den internationellt patenterade teknologin V-OS – världens första virtuella Secure Element – som nyligen erhöll Common Criteria EAL3+ för både Apple iOS och Google Android mobiltelefoner.

Digitala betalningar är känsliga för dåliga internetanslutningar samt potentiella driftstopp hos leverantören av betalningstjänster, banker eller digitala identifieringstjänster. Crunchfish har patentsökt en banbrytande innovation där mobilbetalningar görs oberoende av alla anslutningsproblem till internet och alla problem med tjänster som ligger nere vid betalningsögonblicket. För att underlätta en betalningstransaktion i butik – där varken kunden eller handlaren är ansluten till sin betalningstjänst online – är det nödvändigt att upprätta en lokal tvåvägsförbindelse mellan kunden och handlaren. Detta löses med Crunchfish Proxilink Offline Wallet.

Offline Wallet-lösningen har en kreditbalans samt en logg över alla transaktioner som gjorts offline. Eftersom detta är känsliga uppgifter måste de lagras med bankklassad säkerhet. Detta åstadkoms genom ett Secure Element i appen som hanterar kryptografisk lagring, verifiering av användaruppgifter, autentisering av transaktioner och lagring av digital kontantkreditbalans samt transaktionsloggar.

V-Key har utvecklat världens första virtuella Secure Element, V-OS. Detta är ett säkert utrymme som är inbäddat i en iOS- eller Android-mobilapp och som skapar en säker driftsmiljö där data lagras, och kryptografiska processer kan köras isolerade från resten av mobilappen. Den patenterade V-OS produkten matchar eller förbättrar säkerhetsegenskaperna jämfört med hårdvarubaserade Secure Element och är dessutom mycket mer skalbar eftersom det är en mjukvarulösning som inte är bunden till någon specifik hårdvara. V-Key tillkännagav nyligen att V-OS är världens första virtuella Secure Element som erhållit Common Criteria Evaluation Assurance Level 3+ gradering från U.S. Government’s Protection Profile for General Purpose Operating Systems. Detta intygar att V-OS uppfyller högsta internationella säkerhetsstandard för programvarulösningar.

Mobilbetalningar är en fokusbransch för både V-Key och Crunchfish. Detta samarbetsavtal avseende marknadsföring och teknologi säkerställer att bolagens lösningar fungerar tekniskt tillsammans samt gör det möjligt för båda parter att marknadsföra Crunchfish Proxilink Offline Wallet och V-OS Virtual Secure Element till varandras befintliga och potentiella kunder. Crunchfish har flera aktiva dialoger på den indiska marknaden, och V-Key har en etablerad kundbas med leverantörer av betalningstjänster på andra marknader i Sydostasien som Filippinerna, Thailand och Indonesien, med intresse för Offline Wallets.

”När vi först kom på idén om friktionslösa mobilbetalningar offline, förstod vi behovet av att ha ett Secure Element i appen för hantera digitala kontanter, transaktionsloggar och privata nycklar. I våra första kundsamtal i Indien placerade vi problemet för att implementera detta på betaltjänsten. Vi är därför mycket glada över att nu kunna erbjuda denna kritiska komponent i en Offline Wallet eftersom vår utrullning skalar mycket bättre med en paketerad helhetslösning. V-Keys marknadsnärvaro på många tättbefolkade marknader där mobila betalningar blomstrar och online-anslutning dessutom är ett verkligt problem öppnar upp internationella marknader bortom Indien för oss.”, säger Joachim Samuelsson, Crunchfishs VD.

”Vi är glada över samarbetet med Crunchfish när vi utvidgar V-Keys Digital Identity-plattform till ytterligare ett nytt användningsfall som våra kunder och partners kan utnyttja”, säger Joseph Gan, V-Keys medgrundare och VD. “Vårt partnerskap kommer också att hjälpa till att utöka V-Keys räckvidd utanför Asien till kunder i Indien och Europa, vilket ger vår certifierade teknik byggd ovanpå vårt V-OS Virtual Secure Element möjlighet att stödja sömlösa och säkra finansiella transaktioner på nya marknader.”

Om V-Key –
V-Key är ett internationellt erkänt programvarubaserat digitalt säkerhetsföretag med huvudkontor i Singapore. V-Keys banbrytande teknik ger lösningar för extremt starka säkerhetslösningar för digital identitetshantering, användarautentisering samt elektroniska betalningar för större banker, betalningsportaler och myndigheter. Bolagets lösningar möjliggör fantastiska användarupplevelser som dessutom är kompromisslösa säkra. V-Key har uppfunnit V-OS, världens första Virtual Secure Element. Lösningen är internationellt patenterad och använder avancerat kryptografiskt skydd för och cybersäkerhet och följer standarder som tidigare endast varit reserverade för dyra hårdvarulösningar. V-OS är FIPS 140–2-validerat (US NIST) och ackrediterat av Infocomm Media Development Authority i Singapore (IMDA).

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Joachim Samuelsson, VD
+46 708 46 47 88

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Denna information är sådan information som Crunchfish AB är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning. Informationen lämnades, genom ovanstående kontaktpersons försorg, för offentliggörande den 13 juli 2020.

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB är Certified Adviser. Epost: Telefon +46 40 200 250.

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Crunchfish and V-key enter Marketing and Technical Partnership Agreement to facilitate Offline Wallets

Crunchfish AB (“Crunchfish”) announces today that the company has entered into a Marketing & Technical Partnership Agreement with V-Key Pte Ltd (“V-Key”) regarding identifying and developing joint offerings of each party’s software product in relation to Crunchfish’s patent pending Offline Wallet. V-Key is a software-based digital security company, headquartered in Singapore. V-Key is the inventor […]

Crunchfish AB (“Crunchfish”) announces today that the company has entered into a Marketing & Technical Partnership Agreement with V-Key Pte Ltd (“V-Key”) regarding identifying and developing joint offerings of each party’s software product in relation to Crunchfish’s patent pending Offline Wallet. V-Key is a software-based digital security company, headquartered in Singapore. V-Key is the inventor of internationally patented V-OS, the world’s first Virtual Secure Element, which recently obtained Common Criteria EAL3+ on both Apple iOS and Google Android mobile phones.

Digital payments are vulnerable to online connection issues as well as potential downtime of the payment services provider, bank or electronic identification service. Crunchfish has announced a patent pending ground-breaking innovation where mobile payments are made independent of any and all online connection issues as well as any and all cloud services down-time problems at the moment-of-payment. To facilitate an in-store payment transaction where neither the customer nor the merchant is connected to its payment service, it is necessary to establish a local two-way connection between the customer and merchant. This is accomplished by Crunchfish Proxilink Offline Wallet.

The Offline Wallet maintains a credit balance as well as a log of all offline transactions. As this is sensitive data it must be maintained with banking grade security. This is accomplished by a secure element within the app that handles cryptographic storage, verification of user credentials, authentication of transactions, and maintenance of digital cash credit balance and transaction log.

V-Key invented the world’s first virtual secure element, V-OS. It is a secure sandbox that is embedded within a native iOS or Android mobile app, and creates a safe operating environment where data is stored, and cryptographic processes can be executed in isolation from the rest of the mobile app. The patented V-OS Virtual Secure Element matches or improves on the security characteristics of hardware secure elements and is much more scalable as it is a software solution not tied to any specific piece of hardware. V-Key recently announced that V-OS is the world’s first virtual secure element to receive a Common Criteria Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) rating of 3+ derived from the U.S. Government’s Protection Profile for General Purpose Operating Systems, a testament that it meets the highest international standards for any software solution.

Mobile payments are a targeted industry for both V-Key and Crunchfish. This marketing and technical partnership agreement secures technical compatibility between the parties’ software as well as enables both parties to market Crunchfish Proxilink Offline Wallet and V-OS Virtual Secure Element to each other’s customers and prospects. Whereas Crunchfish is engaged in multiple discussions on the Indian market, V-Key has an established customer base of payment service providers in south-east Asian markets like the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia with a potential interest in deploying an Offline Wallet.

“When we first conceived the idea of offline frictionless mobile payments, we understood the need for a secure element in apps to handle digital cash balances, transaction logs and private keys securely. In our initial customer conversations in India we placed the problem to solve this on the payment service provider. We are therefore very excited to be able to deliver this critical component of an Offline Wallet as it will scale much better having a packaged solution. What is also very important for us is V-Key’s market footprint in many populous markets where mobile payments are accelerating fast and online connectivity is often a problem. This expands Crunchfish’s international roll-out beyond India.”, says Joachim Samuelsson, Crunchfish CEO.

We are excited to partner with Crunchfish in extending V-Key’s Digital Identity platform to yet another new use case that our customers and partners can leverage,” says Joseph Gan, V-Key Co-founder and CEO. “Our partnership will also help extend V-Key’s reach beyond Asia to customers in India and Europe, bringing our certified technology built on top of our V-OS Virtual Secure Element to support seamless yet secure financial transactions to new markets.

About V-key –
V-Key is an internationally acclaimed software-based digital security company, headquartered in Singapore. V-Key’s pioneering technology powers ultra-high-security solutions for digital identity management, user authentication and authorization, as well as electronic payments for major banks, payment gateways, and government agencies. Making delightful user experiences possible while being uncompromisingly secure. V-Key is the inventor of V-OS, the world’s first Virtual Secure Element. Internationally patented, V-OS uses advanced cryptographic and cybersecurity protections to comply with standards previously reserved only for expensive hardware solutions. V-OS is FIPS 140-2 validated (US NIST), Common Criteria EAL3+ certified and accredited by the Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA).

For more information, contact:
Joachim Samuelsson, CEO at Crunchfish
+46 708 46 47 88

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

This information is information that Crunchfish AB is obliged to publish in accordance to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided by the contact person above for publication on July 13, 2020.

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