Digital Cash

Crunchfish presents at All Digital Week – How will we pay in the future?


Sweden is the country that uses cash the least in the world, and the pandemic has decreased the use of cash even more. We are also becoming increasingly dependent on the network when we pay.

On Friday 26th of March at 13.00, Joachim Samuelsson – CEO of Crunchfish – will present how we become independent of the net when we pay, which solves a number of problems that the world faces when the cash disappears. Crunchfish offers a digital cash wallet for the world’s payment services, either on your mobile or on a prepaid card, which can be used also when there is no internet connection.

The presentation is one of several during the event ALL DIGITAL Week, which is a European campaign week where everyone who works for increased digital participation can attend.

Registration is made at:—orebro/2021-02-24-hur-kommer-vi-betala-i-framtiden.html

For more information, please contact:

Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

Crunchfish is a tech company with patent-pending solutions for Digital Cash that can be integrated with both the payment rail and in mobile wallets. The solutions are globally scalable and makes digital payments more robust as the risks of disruptions and downtime are eliminated. We have also developed Blippit, an app terminal that connects to cash register systems for both online and offline payments and have a patent-pending solution to reduce food waste. Crunchfish also develops gesture control of smart AR glasses for the consumer market. Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with representation in India.

Crunchfish presenterar på All Digital Week – Hur kommer vi betala i framtiden?

Sverige är det land i världen som använder minst kontanter och pandemin har medfört att kontantmängden minskat ännu mer. Vi blir också alltmer beroende av att nätet ska fungera när vi betalar.

På fredag den 26 mars kl 13.00 presenterar Joachim Samuelsson – VD för Crunchfish – hur vi gör oss oberoende av nätet när vi betalar, vilket löser en rad problem som världen står inför när kontanterna försvinner. Crunchfish erbjuder en digital kontantplånbok till världens betaltjänster, antingen i mobilen eller på ett kontantkort, som kan användas även när nätuppkoppling saknas.

Föreläsningen är en av flera under evenemanget ALL DIGITAL Week., vilket är en europeisk kampanjvecka där alla som arbetar för ökad digital delaktighet kan delta.

Anmälan görs på:—orebro/2021-02-24-hur-raddar-vi-mat-fran-att-slangas.html

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Joachim Samuelsson, VD för Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88 

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB är Certified Adviser. Epost: Telefon +46 40 200 250.

Om Crunchfish –

Crunchfish är ett techbolag med patentsökta lösningar för Digital Cash som kan integreras både med betalningsrälsen och mobila plånböcker. Lösningarna är globalt skalbara och gör digitala betalningar mer robusta eftersom riskerna med störningar och driftstopp elimineras. Vi har också utvecklat Blippit, en appterminal som ansluts till kassasystem för både online- och offlinebetalningar och har en patentsökt lösning för att minska matsvinnet. Crunchfish utvecklar även geststyrning av smarta AR-glasögon till konsumentmarknaden. Crunchfish är sedan 2016 noterade på Nasdaq First North Growth Market med huvudkontor i Malmö och med representation i Indien.

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Crunchfish presents at All Digital Week – How do we save food from being thrown away?


Over a third of all food produced today is thrown away. Most people agree that we need to reduce food waste and a lot remains to be done. People’s habits need to change, and digital technology can contribute to changing behaviors by, among other things, rewarding those who contribute by saving food already in the store.

On Wednesday 24th of March at 13.00, Linda Kronby – CEO of Crunchfish Food Waste AB – will present how digital technology can contribute to reducing food waste. Crunchfish has patented a solution that can save food by rewarding consumers at the checkout.

The presentation is one of several during the event ALL DIGITAL Week, which is a European campaign week where everyone who works for increased digital participation can attend.

Registration is made at:—orebro/2021-02-24-hur-raddar-vi-mat-fran-att-slangas.html

For more information, please contact:

Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88 

Linda Kronby, VD för Crunchfish Food Waste AB
+46 702 66 42 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

About Crunchfish –
Crunchfish is a tech company with patent-pending solutions for Digital Cash that can be integrated with both the payment rail and in mobile wallets. The solutions are globally scalable and makes digital payments more robust as the risks of disruptions and downtime are eliminated. We have also developed Blippit, an app terminal that connects to cash register systems for both online and offline payments and have a patent-pending solution to reduce food waste. Crunchfish also develops gesture control of smart AR glasses for the consumer market. Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with representation in India.

Crunchfish’s business model for Digital Cash explained


Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance has today published a video interview with Crunchfish CEO Joachim Samuelsson that lays out the company’s business model in Digital Cash.

Crunchfish‘s Digital Cash Wallet offers an exceptionally flexible and interoperable offline payment service that compliments any online payment service with capabilities that replicate the use of physical cash. Crunchfish introduces a subscription-based business model per Digital Cash Wallet deployed, to be charged to the issuing bank or digital wallet provider.

Crunchfish’s business model will be a subscription model charged per deployed Digital Cash Wallet to the issuing bank or digital wallet provider. The business model will be controlled by Crunchfish as a global Certificate Authority, providing signed certificates for use in the Digital Cash Wallets. The business model is well known in the payment industry as it is similar to issuing payment services on smart cards and it does not interfere with the business model of Crunchfish Digital Cash Networks-, Banks-, Processors-, Wallet-Partners. Globalinteroperability cross-service, cross-scheme and cross-border will be offered as optional add-ons.

The addressable market for Digital Cash Wallets is huge as it spans billions of smart cards with debit, credit, pre-paid or gift card services as well as digital wallets in apps on smartphones, smart watches and feature phones using any payment scheme of EMV, RTP, closed-loop wallets, CBDC, cryptocurrency or mobile money.

Press release that introduced Crunchfish’s business model for Digital Cash:

For more information, please contact:

Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88 

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

About Crunchfish –
Crunchfish is a tech company with patent-pending solutions for Digital Cash that can be integrated with both the payment rail and in mobile wallets. The solutions are globally scalable and makes digital payments more robust as the risks of disruptions and downtime are eliminated. We have also developed Blippit, an app terminal that connects to cash register systems for both online and offline payments and have a patent-pending solution to reduce food waste. Crunchfish also develops gesture control of smart AR glasses for the consumer market. Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with representation in India.

Crunchfishs affärsmodell för Digital Cash förklarad

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance har idag publicerat en videointervju med Crunchfishs CEO Joachim Samuelsson som förklarar bolagets affärsmodell för Digital Cash.

Crunchfish debiterar en abonnemangsavgift per installerad Digital Cash plånbok till den utgivande banken eller leverantören av den digitala plånboken. Intäkterna kan kontrolleras av Crunchfish som global Certificate Authority genom signering av de certifikat som används av Digital Cash plånboken. Affärsmodellen är välkänd och liknar utgivandet av betaltjänster på smarta kort och stör inte affärsmodellerna som används av Crunchfishs Digital Cash Partners inom nätverk, banker, processorer och digitala plånböcker. Global interoperabilitet mellan betaltjänster, mellan betallösningar och även mellan länder erbjuds som mertjänster till Digital Cash plånboken.

Den adresserbara marknaden för Digital Cash plånböcker är gigantisk eftersom den innefattar miljarder av smarta debet-, kredit-, kontant- och presentkort samt digitala plånboksappar i smartphones, smarta klockor och feature phones på de betalrälsarna för kort, realtidsbetalning, closed-loop plånböcker, riksbanksvaluta, kryptovaluta och mobile money.

Dagens pressmeddelande som introducerade Crunchfishs affärsmodell för Digital Cash:

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Joachim Samuelsson, VD för Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88 

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB är Certified Adviser. Epost: Telefon +46 40 200 250.

Om Crunchfish –
Crunchfish är ett techbolag med patentsökta lösningar för Digital Cash som kan integreras både med betalningsrälsen och mobila plånböcker. Lösningarna är globalt skalbara och gör digitala betalningar mer robusta eftersom riskerna med störningar och driftstopp elimineras. Vi har också utvecklat Blippit, en appterminal som ansluts till kassasystem för både online- och offlinebetalningar och har en patentsökt lösning för att minska matsvinnet. Crunchfish utvecklar även geststyrning av smarta AR-glasögon till konsumentmarknaden. Crunchfish är sedan 2016 noterade på Nasdaq First North Growth Market med huvudkontor i Malmö och med representation i Indien.

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Crunchfish introduces Digital Cash business model

Crunchfish‘s Digital Cash Wallet offers an exceptionally flexible and interoperable offline payment service that compliments any online payment service with capabilities that replicate the use of physical cash. Crunchfish introduces a subscription-based business model per Digital Cash Wallet deployed, to be charged to the issuing bank or digital wallet provider.

Crunchfish’s Digital Cash Wallet is an exceptionally flexible and interoperable solution that compliments any digital payment service on smart cards or in digital wallets with capabilities that replicates paying with cash. A two-step hierarchical architecture makes Digital Cash payments independent from the net, offering instant clearing offline at the moment of payment, followed by settlement online to move money between accounts.

The Digital Cash Wallet has a mirrored virtual online account which is debited when either the payer or the receiver connects online. The virtual account may only be debited from the Digital Cash Wallet, protecting against overdrafts, and it also registers all activity in the Digital Cash Wallet.

Crunchfish’s business model will be a subscription model charged per deployed Digital Cash Wallet to the issuing bank or digital wallet provider. The business model will be controlled by Crunchfish as a global Certificate Authority, providing signed certificates for use in the Digital Cash Wallets. The business model is well known in the payment industry as it is similar to issuing payment services on smart cards and it does not interfere with the business model of Crunchfish Digital Cash Networks-, Banks-, Processors-, Wallet-Partners. Global interoperability cross-service, cross-scheme and cross-border will be offered as optional add-ons.

The addressable market for Digital Cash Wallets is huge as it spans billions of smart cards with debit, credit, pre-paid or gift card services as well as digital wallets in apps on smartphones, smart watches and feature phones using any payment scheme of EMV, RTP, closed-loop wallets, CBDC, cryptocurrency or mobile money.

For more information, please contact:
Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88 

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

About Crunchfish –
Crunchfish is a tech company with patent-pending solutions for Digital Cash that can be integrated with both the payment rail and in mobile wallets. The solutions are globally scalable and makes digital payments more robust as the risks of disruptions and downtime are eliminated. We have also developed Blippit, an app terminal that connects to cash register systems for both online and offline payments and have a patent-pending solution to reduce food waste. Crunchfish also develops gesture control of smart AR glasses for the consumer market. Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with representation in India.