
Crunchfish rekryterar betalningsexperten Magnus Lageson

Crunchfish AB (”Crunchfish”) meddelar idag att bolaget anställer betalningsexperten Magnus Lageson. Magnus Lageson har lång erfarenhet från betalbranschen och kommer närmast från GetSwish AB, bolaget bakom betaltjänsten Swish, där han under många år arbetat som Lead Product, Innovation & Partner Manager och haft en central roll i utvecklingen av tjänsten och dess framgångar. På Crunchfish kommer Magnus Lageson att ha rollen som Chief Product Officer i Crunchfish Digital Cash AB och i denna roll arbeta med bolagets tekniska utveckling och kommersiella utrullning.


Magnus Lageson blir ny Chief Product Officer för bolagets verksamhet inom Digital Cash. Magnus har mer än 20 års erfarenhet från betalningsmarknaden och började med mobila betalningar på Ericsson redan i slutet av 90-talet. Han gick därefter vidare och jobbade på bland annat Bankgirocentralen med avvecklingssystem i realtid, sedan på Nordea med bland annat krav för att bygga en gemensam betalningsplattform för Nordea men också inom ett produktområde kring mobila betalningar. Magnus har därefter jobbat som konsult med många olika typer av projekt, allt från utbyte av kärnbanksystem till införande av GooglePay, SamsungPay och GarminPay och även haft strategiuppdrag kring PSD2.

Under de senaste fem åren har Magnus varit Lead Product, Innovation & Partner Manager på Swish och i denna roll representerat Swish i tät dialog med många olika partners och olika internationella samarbeten i ekosystemet runt tjänsten. Under de senaste åren har Magnus har även varit djupt involverad i implementationen av den nya infrastrukturen för avveckling av konto-till-konto-transaktioner i realtid som ska införas i Sverige och tillhandahålls av Sveriges Riksbank.

“Vi är extremt glada över att Magnus Lageson kommer till Crunchfish. Magnus är en av Sveriges skarpaste hjärnor inom betalningslösningar och han har haft en avgörande roll i utvecklingen av Swish till deras otroliga framgångar. Med sin omfattande erfarenhet och sitt stora kontaktnät kommer Magnus att bli ett mycket starkt tillskott till Crunchfish-teamet nu när vi rullar ut våra lösningar för Digital Cash”, säger Joachim Samuelsson, VD för Crunchfish.

”Crunchfishs lösningar för Digital Cash kommer att vara en avgörande komponent i digitaliseringen av världens betalsystem och jag ser mycket fram emot att vara med på denna resa. Jag lever efter devisen att det är viktigare att komma framåt än att stå stilla och ser därför fram emot att få chansen att jobba enligt KBK-principen, som jag vet värdesätts högt på Crunchfish”, säger Magnus Lageson.

Magnus Lageson intervjuades i Crunchfishs andra intervjusäsong ”Cash goes digital – a payment pandemic” på temat Real-Time Pirate.

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Joachim Samuelsson, VD för Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB är Certified Adviser. Epost: Telefon +46 40 200 250.

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Crunchfish hires payment expert Magnus Lageson

Crunchfish AB (”Crunchfish”) today announces that the company has hired payment expert Magnus Lageson. Magnus Lageson has extensive experience from the payment industry and most recently comes from GetSwish AB, the company behind the payment service Swish, where he has worked for many years as Lead Product, Innovation & Partner Manager and played a central role in the development of the service and its success. At Crunchfish, Magnus Lageson will be Chief Product Officer in Crunchfish Digital Cash AB and work with the company’s technical development and commercial rollout.

Magnus Lageson will be the new Chief Product Officer for the company’s operations within Digital Cash. Magnus has more than 20 years of experience from the payment industry and started his career with mobile payments at Ericsson already in the late 1990s. He then went on to work at Bankgirocentralen with real-time settlement systems, then at Nordea with their requirements to build a common payment platform for Nordea but also within a product area around mobile payment. Magnus has since worked as a consultant with many different types of projects, ranging from the replacement of core banking systems to the introduction of GooglePay, SamsungPay and GarminPay as well as strategy assignments around PSD2.

For the past five years, Magnus has been Lead Product, Innovation & Partner Manager at Swish and in this role, he has represented Swish in close dialogue with many different partners and various international collaborations in the ecosystem around the service. In recent years, Magnus has also been deeply involved in the implementation of the new infrastructure for real-time settlement of account-to-account transactions, which will be introduced in Sweden and provided by the Swedish Central Bank.

”We’re extremely happy that Magnus Lageson is coming to Crunchfish. Magnus is one of Sweden’s sharpest minds within payment solutions and he has played a crucial role in the development of Swish to their incredible success. With his extensive experience and large network of contacts, Magnus will be a very strong addition to the Crunchfish team in our roll-out of our solutions for Digital Cash”, says Joachim Samuelsson, Crunchfish CEO.

Crunchfish’s solutions for Digital Cash will be a crucial component in the digitalization of the world’s payment systems and I am very much looking forward to being part of this journey. I live by the motto that it is more important to move forward than to stand still and I look forward to the chance to work according to the ‘KBK’ principle, which I know is highly valued at Crunchfish”, says Magnus Lageson.

Magnus Lageson was interviewed in Crunchfishs second interview season ”Cash goes digital – a payment pandemic” on the theme Real-Time Pirate.

For more information, please contact:
Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish
+46 708 46 47 88

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

About Crunchfish –
Crunchfish is a technical pioneer within digital payments with its ground-breaking Digital Cash Wallet using a two-step payment process, first clearing offline followed by online settlement, which makes digital payments robust and independent from the net. Crunchfish Digital Cash Wallet is extremely flexible and may be used with all types of payment services. It is interoperable cross-service/schemes and cross-borders/currencies. It truly delivers the properties of cash, such as instant clearing, offline payments and preserving the payer’s integrity, without requiring any changes to the central or commercial banking infrastructure. This enables CBDC to be rolled out fast in any country.

We have also developed Blippit, an app terminal that connects to cash register systems for both online and offline payments and have a patent-pending solution to reduce food waste. Crunchfish also develops gesture control of smart AR glasses for the consumer market. 

Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with representation in India.

Invitation to a presentation of Crunchfish’s annual report

On May 12th, at 10 am CET, Crunchfish will host a live presentation of the company’s annual report via Zoom, ahead of the company’s Annual General Meeting on May 19th. Crunchfish’s CEO Joachim Samuelsson and the company’s auditor Åsa Andersson-Eneberg will give fast-paced Pecha Kucha presentations about how we will pay in the future, about the annual report and the auditor’s report. Shareholders will also be able to ask questions in the chat room.

Click here to download the 2020 Annual Report

Registration to this presentation is done via the following link:

The Pecha Kucha presentation about how we will pay in the future is already available here. The two other presentations will be launched during the event on May 12th. The entire event will also be recorded and be available via Crunchfish’s website as well as the company’s YouTube channel.

The 2021 Annual General Meeting will be held without physical participation and voting will take place in advance through postal voting. For voting, shareholders shall use the digital form available here:

For more information, please contact:
Joachim Samuelsson, CEO Crunchfish
+46 708 46 47 88

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

About Crunchfish –
Crunchfish is a technical pioneer within digital payments with its ground-breaking Digital Cash Wallet using a two-step payment process, first clearing offline followed by online settlement, which makes digital payments robust and independent from the net. Crunchfish Digital Cash Wallet is extremely flexible and may be used with all types of payment services. It is interoperable cross-service/schemes and cross-borders/currencies. It truly delivers the properties of cash, such as instant clearing, offline payments and preserving the payer’s integrity, without requiring any changes to the central or commercial banking infrastructure. This enables CBDC to be rolled out fast in any country.

We have also developed Blippit, an app terminal that connects to cash register systems for both online and offline payments and have a patent-pending solution to reduce food waste. Crunchfish also develops gesture control of smart AR glasses for the consumer market. 

Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with representation in India.

Crunchfish stärker sitt Digital Cash-erbjudande i Indien för feature phones genom partnerskap med Nextgen Telesolution


Crunchfish AB (“Crunchfish”) meddelar idag att bolaget ingått ett Memorandum Of Understanding med Nextgen Telesolutions Pvt Ltd. (“Nextgen Telesolutions”) för att utvärdera ett gemensamt erbjudande. Nextgen Telesolutions har utvecklat en metod för att integrera ett Secure Element i SIM overlay och microSD-kort, vilket möjliggör en starkare lösning för implementation av Digital Cash på feature phones. Hälften av Indiens mobilanvändare använder feature phones.  

Nextgen Telesolutions är ett indiskt techbolag som utvecklar lösningar för säkra digitala betalningar för POS-sektorn och finansiell inkludering. Bolaget har utvecklat en metod för att integrera ett Secure Element antingen i ett SIM overlay eller på ett microSD-kort. Genom att integrera Crunchfishs Digital Cash med Nextgens lösningar möjliggörs en stark lösning för implementation av Digital Cash på feature phones, särskilt i Indien där hälften av landets en miljard mobilanvändare har feature phones. Nextgens microSD kan också vara relevant för Android-enheter eftersom lösningen även möjliggör integration av EMV-kort och NFC-funktioner (Near-Field Communication). Detta stärker Crunchfish's Digital Cash ytterligare som agnostiskt bärarinstrument tillgängligt för alla typer av betalningsappar, vilket är särskilt viktigt för CBDC-implementeringar i deras strävan att vara ekonomiskt inkluderande och tillgängligt för alla.

Digital Cash är exceptionellt flexibelt och är agnostiskt för både bärarinstrument, betallösningar, interaktionsmetoder och för olika terminaler hos handlare. Detta ger en oöverträffad möjlighet för digitala betaltjänster att tillhandahålla offlinebetalningar och bevara integriteten. Med detta avtal fortsätter Crunchfish att utöka sitt Digital Cash Partner-program. Nextgen Telesolutions är Digital Cash Partner #7 som går med i programmet.”Nextgen Telesolutions kommer att vara ytterligare en strategiskt viktig Digital Cash Partner som gör det möjligt för oss att nå feature phone-användare. Deras geniala lösning möjliggör en stark och exceptionellt flexibel möjlighet för Digital Cash-implementeringar på feature phones, och vi ser stor potential i detta partnerskap”, säger Crunchfish Digital Cashs VD Patrik Lindeberg.

”Crunchfish är ett riktigt spännande bolag med intressanta lösningar som ligger helt i linje med den snabba utvecklingen av det finansiella systemet i Indien. Vi ser en stor potential i kombinationen mellan vår Secure Element-teknologi och Crunchfishs Digital Cash-lösningar som kommer tillgängliggöra transaktioner med digitala kontanter för massorna, särskilt på den indiska marknaden”säger Nextgen Telesolutions VD Taron Mohan.

Om Nextgen Telesolutions –
Nextgen Telesolutions utvecklar lösningar inom betalningar och handel och integrerar mobil teknologi som en plattform för integration mellan dessa. Nextgen arbetar aktivt inom:

  • Digitalisering och överbryggning av teknikgapet inom secure banking och plånböcker
  • Säkra kontaktfria betalningar på olika mobila enheter för konsumenter såväl som handlare
  • Integration av banker, plånböcker, pengaöverföringar, betalning av räkningar, påfyllning av pre-paid-lösningar och terminaler för mobila betalningar till ett samlat erbjudande

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Patrik Lindeberg, VD för Crunchfish Digital Cash AB
+46 730 35 67 15

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB är Certified Adviser. Epost: Telefon +46 40 200 250.

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Crunchfish strengthens its Digital Cash offer in India for feature phones by partnering with Nextgen Telesolutions

Crunchfish AB (“Crunchfish”) today announces that the company has entered into a Memorandum Of Understanding with Nextgen Telesolutions Pvt Ltd. (“Nextgen Telesolutions”) to explore a joint offering. Nextgen Telesolutions has developed a method for hosting a Secure Element on a SIM overlay and microSD card, enabling a stronger solution for implementation of Digital Cash on feature phones. Half of India’s mobile phone users uses feature phones.

Nextgen Telesolutions is an Indian tech company with secure digital payment solutions for the POS industry and for financial inclusion. The company has developed a method for hosting a Secure Element on either a SIM overlay or a microSD card. By integrating Crunchfish’s Digital Cash with Nextgen’s solutions it becomes possible to achieve a strong implementation of Digital Cash with feature phones, especially in India where half of the country’s one billion mobile phone users has feature phones. Their microSD could also be relevant for Android devices as it brings EMV card hosting and Near-Field Communication (NFC) capabilities to the device. This further strengthens Crunchfish’s Digital Cash as bearer instrument agnostic and available for all kinds of payment apps, which is particularly important for CBDC implementations in its aspiration to be ubiquitous and financially inclusive.

Digital Cash is exceptionally flexible, being bearer instrument-, payment scheme-, proximity interaction- and merchant terminal-agnostic. This provides an unprecedented capability to provide offline payments and preserve privacy for any digital payment service. With this agreement Crunchfish continues to add to its Digital Cash Partner program. Nextgen Telesolutions is Digital Cash Partner #7 to join the program.

”Nextgen Telesolutions will be another strategically important Digital Cash Partner enabling us to reach feature phone users. Their ingenious solution enables a strong and exceptionally flexible opportunity for Digital Cash implementations on feature phones, and we see great potential in this partnership”, says Crunchfish Digital Cash’s CEO Patrik Lindeberg.

”Crunchfish is a really exciting company with innovative and interesting solutions that are very much in tune with the rapid development of the financial system in India. We see a great potential in the combination of our Secure Element technology with Crunchfish’s Digital Cash solutions, especially in the Indian market, enabling offline digital cash transactions for the masses”says Nextgen Telesolutions’ CEO Taron Mohan.

About Nextgen Telesolutions –
Nextgen Telesolutions develops solutions around payments and retailing, integrating mobile technology as a technology platform to enable a cross integration between the two. NextGen is working actively on areas of:

  • – Digitizing and bridging the technology gap in secure banking and wallets.
  • – Enabling secure contactless payments on any mobile device for customers as well as merchants
  • – Integrating banking, wallets, money transfers, bill and utility payments, pre-paid topup services and mPOS terminals into a unified offering.

For more information, please contact:
Patrik Lindeberg, CEO Crunchfish Digital Cash AB
+46 730 35 67 15

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

About Crunchfish –
Crunchfish is a technical pioneer within digital payments with its ground-breaking Digital Cash Wallet using a two-step payment process, first clearing offline followed by online settlement, which makes digital payments robust and independent from the net. Crunchfish Digital Cash Wallet is extremely flexible and may be used with all types of payment services. It is interoperable cross-service/schemes and cross-borders/currencies. It truly delivers the properties of cash, such as instant clearing, offline payments and preserving the payer’s integrity, without requiring any changes to the central or commercial banking infrastructure. This enables CBDC to be rolled out fast in any country.

We have also developed Blippit, an app terminal that connects to cash register systems for both online and offline payments and have a patent-pending solution to reduce food waste. Crunchfish also develops gesture control of smart AR glasses for the consumer market. 

Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with representation in India.