
Crunchfish gives investor presentation at Aktiedagen in Lund on January 27

On Wednesday. January 27, at 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm CET, Crunchfish participates at Aktiedagen in Lund, a digital investor meeting arranged by Aktiespararna.

Crunchfish’s CEO Joachim Samuelsson will present the company on the theme Solving for the future, with focus on Digital Cash and how our partner strategy will accelerate market roll-out and revolutionize digital payments. It’s free to participate at this investor meeting and it will be broadcast live on Aktiespararna’s website as well as on YouTube. The presentation will be given in English and will also be available afterwards.

For more information, please contact:
Joachim Samuelsson, CEO Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager, Crunchfish AB
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

About Crunchfish –

Crunchfish is a tech company with patent-pending solutions for digital cash that can be integrated with both the payment rail and in mobile wallets. The solutions are globally scalable and makes digital payments more robust as the risks of disruptions and downtime are eliminated. We have also developed Blippit, an app terminal that connects to cash register systems for both online and offline payments and have a patent-pending solution to reduce food waste. Crunchfish also develops gesture control of smart AR glasses for the consumer market. Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with representation in India.

Crunchfish presenterar på Aktiedagen i Lund den 27 januari

Onsdagen den 27 januari, klockan 14:30 – 15:00, deltar Crunchfish på Aktiedagen i Lund, en digital investerarträff som arrangeras av Aktiespararna.

Crunchfishs VD Joachim Samuelsson kommer att beskriva bolaget på temat Solving for the future med fokus på Digital Cash, samt hur vår partnerstrategi kommer att accelerera marknadsutrullningen och revolutionera digital betalning. Investerarträffen är gratis att delta på och kommer att sändas live via Aktiespararnas hemsida och direkt via YouTube. Presentationen kommer att hållas på engelska och även göras tillgänglig efteråt.

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Joachim Samuelsson, VD för Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB är Certified Adviser. Epost: Telefon +46 40 200 250.

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Crunchfish launches new website showcasing its five solution areas

For too long, humans have adapted to technology, when of course it should be the other way around. For example, why are we dependent on the net when we pay? Why is it hard to communicate with the proximity? And why are we still touching screens? Changing this requires radical innovation and cutting-edge technology. The tech company Crunchfish does not let the technology set the limits, but rather adapts it to suit us humans. The new website clarifies these solutions.

With a rare combination of courage and technical know-how, Crunchfish addresses the challenges of today in several areas – Digital Cash, Blippit, Food Waste, Nearby and Gestures. The solution areas are clarified under separate tabs on the company’s new website, which is launched today.

With 38 innovations, of which 29 have already been granted patents, we never let technology dictate the conditions, but always adapt it to what suits humans best. Welcome to visit us at

For more information, please contact:
Joachim Samuelsson, CEO Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

About Crunchfish – Crunchfish is a tech company with patent-pending solutions for digital cash that can be integrated with both the payment rail and in mobile wallets. The solutions are globally scalable and makes digital payments more robust as the risks of disruptions and downtime are eliminated. We have also developed Blippit, an app terminal that connects to cash register systems for both online and offline payments, and have a patent-pending solution to reduce food waste. Crunchfish also develops gesture control of smart AR glasses for the consumer market. Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with representation in India.

Crunchfish lanserar ny hemsida som visar bolagets fem lösningsområden

Alltför länge har människan anpassat sig till teknik, när det självklart borde vara tvärtom. Varför är vi exempelvis beroende av nätet när vi betalar? Varför är det krångligt att kommunicera digitalt med närheten? Och varför vidrör vi fortfarande skärmar? Att ändra på detta kräver radikalt nytänk och spetsteknologi. Techbolaget Crunchfish låter inte tekniken sätta begränsningarna utan anpassar den för att passa oss människor. Nya hemsidan tydliggör dessa lösningar.

Med en sällsynt kombination av mod och tekniskt kunnande adresserar Crunchfish dagens utmaningar inom flera områden – Digital Cash, Blippit, Food Waste, Nearby och Gestures. Lösningsområdena tydliggörs under egna flikar på bolagets nya hemsida som lanseras idag.

Med hela 38 patentsökta uppfinningar, av vilka 29 redan blivit beviljade patent, låter vi aldrig tekniken diktera villkoren, utan anpassar den alltid efter vad som passar människan bäst. Välkommen att besöka oss på

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Joachim Samuelsson, VD för Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB är Certified Adviser. Epost: Telefon +46 40 200 250.

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Linda Kronby. Food waste. 24/36.

A third of all food produced in the world is thrown away. This is tragic, very costly and has a huge negative impact on our planet. Reducing food waste by half before 2030 is one of the United Nations’ sustainability goals.

Crunchfish rescue food by providing POS rewards to consumers for making environmentally friendly purchase decisions.

Linda Kronby has been with Crunchfish as a Senior Business Developer at our Stockholm office for almost a year now, and has taken on our solution for Food Waste.

In this interview we talk about the United Nation’s 17 Global Goals for a sustainable future, how our Food Waste solution area came about and how it relates to Linda’s experience from GS1 Sweden, and Nielsen,

This is interview 24 of 36 in the second season – Cash goes digital, a payment pandemic – out Friday morning at 6 am CET / 10.30 am IST.

Malin Ahlgren. Patent portfolio. 12/36.


Gesture week and third and final interview. This time we take a deep dive into our patent portfolio together with Malin Ahlgren, Patent Attorney at Ström & Gulliksson who is our Gestures portfolio manager. On that note, did you know that Malmö, where our HQ is located, is actually the hottest European region when it comes to patents in the fourth industrial revolution? 

We also talk about Crunchfish’s proactive patent strategy as well as our local football club Malmö FF which Malin is a big supporter of.

Also check out this client case study that Ström & Gulliksson wrote in November about our conscious effort to build a protected market position by patents:

This is interview 12 of 36 in the second season – Cash goes digital, a payment pandemic – out Friday morning 6 am CET / 10.30 am IST.