
Invitation to a presentation of Crunchfish’s annual report

On May 12th, at 10 am CET, Crunchfish will host a live presentation of the company’s annual report via Zoom, ahead of the company’s Annual General Meeting on May 19th. Crunchfish’s CEO Joachim Samuelsson and the company’s auditor Åsa Andersson-Eneberg will give fast-paced Pecha Kucha presentations about how we will pay in the future, about the annual report and the auditor’s report. Shareholders will also be able to ask questions in the chat room.

Click here to download the 2020 Annual Report

Registration to this presentation is done via the following link:

The Pecha Kucha presentation about how we will pay in the future is already available here. The two other presentations will be launched during the event on May 12th. The entire event will also be recorded and be available via Crunchfish’s website as well as the company’s YouTube channel.

The 2021 Annual General Meeting will be held without physical participation and voting will take place in advance through postal voting. For voting, shareholders shall use the digital form available here:

For more information, please contact:
Joachim Samuelsson, CEO Crunchfish
+46 708 46 47 88

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

About Crunchfish –
Crunchfish is a technical pioneer within digital payments with its ground-breaking Digital Cash Wallet using a two-step payment process, first clearing offline followed by online settlement, which makes digital payments robust and independent from the net. Crunchfish Digital Cash Wallet is extremely flexible and may be used with all types of payment services. It is interoperable cross-service/schemes and cross-borders/currencies. It truly delivers the properties of cash, such as instant clearing, offline payments and preserving the payer’s integrity, without requiring any changes to the central or commercial banking infrastructure. This enables CBDC to be rolled out fast in any country.

We have also developed Blippit, an app terminal that connects to cash register systems for both online and offline payments and have a patent-pending solution to reduce food waste. Crunchfish also develops gesture control of smart AR glasses for the consumer market. 

Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with representation in India.

Crunchfish publicerar årsredovisning för 2020


Crunchfishs årsredovisning för 2020 finns från och med i dag tillgänglig på koncernens hemsida. Den 12 maj kommer Crunchfish även att arrangera en livesänd presentation av bolagets årsredovisning och om verksamheten, utvecklingen och framtidsplanerna i Crunchfish.

Årsredovisningen kan laddas ned här och kan även distribueras i tryckt format till aktieägare som så önskar.

Inbjudan till presentation av årsredovisningen
Den 12 maj klockan 10:00 kommer Crunchfish att arrangera en livesänd presentation av bolagets årsredovisning via streamingplattformen Zoom, inför bolagets årsstämma den 19 maj. Crunchfishs VD Joachim Samuelsson kommer att hålla en presentation årsredovisningen och om verksamheten, utvecklingen och framtidsplanerna i Crunchfish. Dessutom kommer aktieägare ha möjlighet att ställa frågor och få dessa besvarade i direktsändning.

För att delta på presentationen registrerar man sig via följande länk:

En inspelning av presentationen kommer att finnas tillgängligt efteråt både via Crunchfishs hemsida och bolagets YouTube-kanal.

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Joachim Samuelsson, VD för Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88 

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB är Certified Adviser. Epost: Telefon +46 40 200 250.

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Crunchfish publishes the 2020 Annual Report

Crunchfish’s annual report for 2020 is now available via the company’s website. On May 12th, Crunchfish will also host a live presentation of the company’s annual report, the business development and the plans ahead for the company.

The annual report can be downloaded here and may also be distributed in printed format upon request. The annual report is available in Swedish only.

Invitation to a presentation of the annual report
On May 12th, at 10 am CET, Crunchfish will host a live presentation of the company’s annual report via Zoom, ahead of the company’s Annual General Meeting on May 19th. Crunchfish’s CEO Joachim Samuelsson will give a presentation about the annual report, the business development and the plans ahead for the company. After the presentation, a Q&A session will also be held.

Registration to this presentation is done via the following link:

A recording of the presentation will also be available afterwards on Crunchfish’s website and on the company’s YouTube channel.

For more information, please contact:
Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88 

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

About Crunchfish –
Crunchfish is a technical pioneer within digital payments with its ground-breaking Digital Cash Wallet using a two-step payment process, first clearing offline followed by online settlement, which makes digital payments robust and independent from the net. Crunchfish Digital Cash Wallet is extremely flexible and may be used with all types of payment services. It is interoperable cross-service/schemes and cross-borders/currencies. It truly delivers the properties of cash, such as instant clearing, offline payments and preserving the payer’s integrity, without requiring any changes to the central or commercial banking infrastructure. This enables CBDC to be rolled out fast in any country.

We have also developed Blippit, an app terminal that connects to cash register systems for both online and offline payments and have a patent-pending solution to reduce food waste. Crunchfish also develops gesture control of smart AR glasses for the consumer market.

Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with representation in India.

Crunchfish deltar i Näringslivet Möter Förorten


Som en del i sitt CSR-arbete kommer Crunchfish att delta i den digitala schackturneringen Näringslivet Möter Förorten. Näringslivet Möter Förorten är ett projekt som grundats för att motverka segregation och främja integration genom att skapa möten mellan människor med olika bakgrunder, ur olika generationer, från olika bostadsområden, av olika kön och med olika ekonomiska förutsättningar som ej brukar träffas, och ge dem möjligheter att kunna lära känna varandra och umgås över schackbrädet.

Näringslivet Möter Förorten är en event-baserad rörelse för integration och mot segregation som för samman människor som inte möts så ofta, om ens aldrig, och får dem att mötas och lära känna varandra på lika villkor med schack som hjälpmedel. Huvudeventet är en parschackturnering där varje representant från näringslivet paras ihop med en ungdom från förorten. Som för-event kommer även den regerande svenska mästaren i schack att spela simultanschack mot deltagande företag. I huvudtävlingen kommer Crunchfish representeras av bolagets grundare och CTO Paul Cronholm, och vår UX-designer Thomas Rogowiec kommer att möta den svenska mästaren.

”Schack har alltid varit stort här på Crunchfish, vi är många på bolaget som spelar mot varandra så fort tid finns. Samtidigt vill vi också engagera oss och ge tillbaka till samhället, och då är det perfekt att kunna kombinera det med något som många av oss har ett stort intresse för. Schack är även ett spel som ställer krav på en hög analytisk förmåga och strategiskt tänkande, egenskaper som också behövs i vårt dagliga arbete här på Crunchfish. Därför hoppas vi ju att vi kan väcka ett intresse hos de deltagande ungdomarna för Crunchfish som en potentiell framtida arbetsgivare”, säger Paul Cronholm, grundare och CTO för Crunchfish.

Näringslivet Möte Förorten går av stapeln den 23 april klockan 13:00 och kommer att sändas live via

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Joachim Samuelsson, VD för Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88 

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB är Certified Adviser. Epost: Telefon +46 40 200 250.

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Crunchfish participates in Business meets chess & kids

As part of its CSR work, Crunchfish will participate in the digital chess tournament Business meets chess & kids. Business meets chess & kids is a project founded to counter segregation and promote integration, by creating meeting between people from different backgrounds, from different generations, from different neighborhoods, from different genders and from different economic conditions who normally don’t meet each other and giving them chances to getting to know each other over the chess board.

Business meets chess & kids is an event-based movement for integration and against segregation. It brings together people who seldom meet, if ever, and lets them interact with each other on equal terms over a game of chess. It is a chess tournament played in pairs where a representative from the business is paired with youth from the suburbs to play together versus others. As a fun pre-event, Sweden’s number one grand master Nils Grandelius will play simultaneous chess against business representatives. Crunchfish will be represented by Paul Cronholm, founder and CTO in the main tournament and UX-designer Thomas Rogowiec will take on the Swedish chess master.

Chess has always been popular here at Crunchfish, many of us play each other as soon as time allows. At the same time, we also want to get involved and give back to society, and it is perfect to be able to combine it with something that many of us have a great interest in. Chess is also a game that requires a high level of analytical ability and strategic thinking, qualities that are also needed in our daily work here at Crunchfish. Therefore, we hope that we can awaken the interest of the participating young people in the tournament for Crunchfish as a potential future employer”, says Paul Cronholm, founder and CTO of Crunchfish.

Business meets chess & kids takes place on April 23 at 1:00 PM CET, and will be broadcast live via

For more information, please contact:
Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88 

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

About Crunchfish –
Crunchfish is a technical pioneer within digital payments with its ground-breaking Digital Cash Wallet using a two-step payment process, first clearing offline followed by online settlement, which makes digital payments robust and independent from the net. Crunchfish Digital Cash Wallet is extremely flexible and may be used with all types of payment services. It is interoperable cross-service/schemes and cross-borders/currencies. It truly delivers the properties of cash, such as instant clearing, offline payments and preserving the payer’s integrity, without requiring any changes to the central or commercial banking infrastructure. This enables CBDC to be rolled out fast in any country.

We have also developed Blippit, an app terminal that connects to cash register systems for both online and offline payments and have a patent-pending solution to reduce food waste. Crunchfish also develops gesture control of smart AR glasses for the consumer market.

Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with representation in India.

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance har offentliggjort uppdaterad aktieanalys av Crunchfish

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance publicerade idag, den 14 april, en uppdaterad analys av Crunchfish med titeln ”Crunchfish: Diligent dash for Digital Cash”. Analysen är tillgänglig som bifogat dokument samt via denna länk (

Västra Hamnen skriver bland annat följande: “Crunchfish is undergoing a fast reorientation, where the company’s business model is increasingly centred on its digital cash solution. And with good reason. If the company can get payment providers to join its open standard for cross-currency and cross-platform payments, it could unite billions of digital wallets on a common platform that defines digital cash. It would enable an unprecedented degree of interoperability in the payment space. Crunchfish is just starting to specify its revenue model. Even at very low wallet fees, Crunchfish as facilitator of the platform could stand to reap a massive fee income, given the high number of potential users. In our first attempt to value the opportunity, we apply tough risk adjustments but nevertheless end up raising our valuation interval to SEK 49.80 – 79.50 per share.”

I analysen ges ett uppdaterat kursintervall enligt DCF-modellen på 49,80 SEK – 79,50 SEK per aktie. Analysen är tillgänglig på Västra Hamnens och Crunchfishs respektive webbplatser.

I syfte att öka genomlysningen av Crunchfish och som en service till bolagets aktieägare har Crunchfish kontrakterat Västra Hamnen att genomföra så kallad uppdragsanalys. Analysen innefattar en oberoende genomgång av bolaget, dess produkter, marknader och konkurrenter samt ett finansiellt scenario som utgör underlag för en bedömning om motiverat börsvärde för bolaget.

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Joachim Samuelsson, VD för Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88 

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB är Certified Adviser. Epost: Telefon +46 40 200 250.

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