
Invitation to a webinar about Crunchfish’s half-year report for Q2 and first six months 2021


On Thursday, August 26 at 08:30 CEST/12:00 IST, Crunchfish AB (“Crunchfish”) publishes its half-year report for Q2 and first six months 2021. At 09:00 CEST / 12:30 IST, a live webinar about the report will be hosted on Zoom together with Alf Riple from Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance.

In order to participate at this webinar, registration is done via the following link:

A recording of this webinar will also be available afterwards on Crunchfish’s website as well as Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance’s website.

For more information, please contact:
Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88

Erik Berggren, IR Manager
+46 726 011 673

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

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Crunchfish appoints new Investor Relations Manager


Crunchfish AB (“Crunchfish”) announces that Erik Berggren will return to Crunchfish and assume the role as Investor Relations Manager at Crunchfish from June 1[st] on a consultancy basis. Erik will succeed Ulf Rogius Svensson, who has decided to move on in his career.

Erik has solid experience within stock market communication from several years as a financial advisor and most recently as Investor Relations Specialist at Karnov Group, a Mid Cap-listed company. Erik has previous experience from Crunchfish as IR & Marketing Manager during 2019. Erik is engaged on a consultancy basis from the Malmö-based IR & communications advisory firm Shark Communication.

"It’s a pity that Ulf is leaving us but at the same time we are very happy that Erik Berggren is returning. Erik knows Crunchfish inside-and-out and will hit the ground running from start. We would also like to thank Ulf for his valuable contributions, and we wish him all the best in his future career", says Joachim Samuelsson, Crunchfish’s CEO.

For more information, please contact:
Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88 

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

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Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance has published an updated analysis on Crunchfish

On May 21, Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance published an updated analysis on Crunchfish titled “Crunchfish: Business model firming up”. The analysis is available as an attached document and through this link.

In the analysis, Västra Hamnen writes: “Our most recent research update on Crunchfish, in which we revised our valuation of the company sharply upwards, was published in mid-April. The company has already released a string of news since then, of which the majority relate to digital payments. First and foremost, the company has intensified its focus on central banks and widened the geographic scope of its central bank digital currency (CBDC) offering to the whole world. Central banks around the world grapple with the question of how to maintain control of their currency when societies go cash-less and new currencies like cryptocurrencies challenge their position.”

In the analysis, an unchanged share price interval according to the DCF model of 49,80 SEK – 79,50 SEK per share is stated. The full analysis is available on Västra Hamnen’s and Crunchfish’s websites.

In connection with the publication of the Q1 report, a live interview with Joachim Samuelsson and Alf Riple, head analyst at Västra Hamnen, was done. This interview is available here:

As a service to the company’s shareholders and with the purpose to increase transparency, Crunchfish has commissioned Västra Hamnen to conduct analysis of the company. The analysis includes an independent review of the company, its products, markets and competitors as well as a financial scenario that serves as a basis for an estimate of a motivated market cap of the company.

For more information, please contact:
Joachim Samuelsson, CEO Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

About Crunchfish –
Crunchfish is a technical pioneer within digital payments with its ground-breaking Digital Cash Wallet using a two-step payment process, first clearing offline followed by online settlement, which makes digital payments robust and independent from the net. Crunchfish Digital Cash Wallet is extremely flexible and may be used with all types of payment services. Crunchfish has also developed Blippit, an app terminal that connects to cash register systems for both online and offline payments and have a patent-pending solution to reduce food waste. Crunchfish also develops gesture control of smart AR glasses for the consumer market. Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with representation in India.

Kommuniké från årsstämma i Crunchfish AB


This report from Crunchfish’s Annual General Meeting will, for regulatory reasons, be released in Swedish only.
Årsstämma i Crunchfish AB har hållits idag den 19 maj 2021. För att minska risken för spridning av covid-19 genomfördes årsstämman enbart genom poströstning, med stöd av tillfälliga lagregler. Nedan följer en redogörelse för de viktigaste besluten och deras huvudsakliga innehåll.

Årsredovisningen godkändes, och stämman beslöt i enlighet med styrelsens förslag att bolagets till förfogande stående vinstmedel om 62 348 887 kronor i sin helhet skulle balanseras i ny räkning, och att någon utdelning således inte skall lämnas. Stämman beslutade bevilja ansvarsfrihet för styrelsen och den verkställande direktören.

Joachim Samuelsson, Göran Linder, Malte Zaunders, Susanne Hannestad och Robert Ekström omvaldes som ordinarie ledamöter av styrelsen och Göran Linder omvaldes som styrelsens ordförande. Förutvarande styrelseledamöterna Patrik Olsson och Håkan Paulsson hade avböjt omval. Mazars AB omvaldes som revisor för bolaget, med auktoriserade revisorn Åsa Andersson Eneberg som huvudansvarig revisor. Till styrelseledamöterna skall utgå ersättning med två prisbasbelopp till var ledamot och fyra prisbasbelopp till styrelsens ordförande (båda exklusive sociala avgifter), och revisorn ska ersättas enligt godkänd räkning.

Årsstämman beslutade även bemyndiga styrelsen att, under tiden till nästa årsstämma vid ett eller flera tillfällen, besluta om nyemission av sammantaget högst ett antal aktier som innebär en ökning av aktiekapitalet om högst tio (10) procent baserat på det sammanlagda aktiekapitalet i bolaget vid tidpunkten för årsstämman 2021, med eller utan avvikelse från aktieägarnas företrädesrätt samt med eller utan bestämmelse om apport eller kvittning.

Därutöver beslutade årsstämman, i enlighet med styrelsens förslag, att anta ett incitamentsprogram för bolagets anställda. Programmet består av en emission av högst 500 000 teckningsoptioner, vilka ger rätt till nyteckning av vardera en aktie i Crunchfish AB (publ). Rätten att teckna teckningsoptioner ska tillkomma det helägda dotterbolaget Crunchfish Digital Cash AB som ska vidareöverlåta teckningsoptioner till ledande befattningshavare och övriga anställda och nyckelpersoner enligt villkoren i programmet. Överlåtelse av teckningsoptioner till deltagare ska ske till ett pris motsvarande optionsrättens marknadsvärde vid överlåtelsetidpunkten. Teckningsoptionerna kan utnyttjas under perioden 1 – 30 juni 2025. Teckningskursen ska motsvara 200 % av den volymvägda genomsnittskursen enligt Nasdaq Stockholms officiella kurslista för aktie i bolaget under perioden från och med den 3 maj 2021 till och med den 14 maj 2021. Vid antagande av att samtliga 500 000 teckningsoptioner utnyttjas för teckning av nya aktier kommer bolagets aktiekapital att öka med högst 23 000 kronor, medförande en utspädning motsvarande ca 1,8 % i förhållande till bolagets nuvarande aktiekapital.

Vidare beslöt stämman om ändring av bolagets bolagsordning i syfte att (i) höja det högsta tillåtna antalet aktier och det tillåtna aktiekapitalet, (ii) införa en ny punkt som tillåter styrelsen att samla in fullmakter i enlighet med den ordning som föreskrivs i 7 kap. 4 § aktiebolagslagen, samt vidare tillåter styrelsen att besluta att aktieägare ska kunna utöva sin rösträtt per post före bolagsstämman, (iii) förtydliga möjligheten att utse att registrerat revisionsbolag som revisor, och (iv) även genomföra en rad smärre språkliga och redaktionella justeringar samt justeringar till följd av förändringar i lag.

Avslutningsvis beslutade stämman på förslag av stämman och nomineringskommittén att inrätta en valberedning samt att anta instruktioner för dennas arbete inför kommande årsstämmor.

Malmö den 19 maj 2021


För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Joachim Samuelsson, VD
+46 708 46 47 88

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB är Certified Adviser. Epost: Telefon +46 40 200 250.

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Crunchfish publishes interim report for Q1 2021

Today, Crunchfish AB (”Crunchfish”) publishes the company’s interim report for the first quarter of 2021. Below is a brief summary of the report.

Group financials2021-01-01 2021-03-312020-01-01 2020-03-312020-01-01 2020-12-31
Net sales (SEK)1 101 2121 947 89410 883 365
Profit or loss before tax (SEK)–7 765 945-6 490 618–25 335 425
Earnings per share (SEK)-0,27-0,25-0,91
Equity-assets-ratio (%)58,7%79,8%78,6%
Total cash and bank balances (SEK)11 533 9215 715 4068 667 692

The report is available as an attached document to this press release as well as through the company’s website.

A comment from our CEO Joachim Samuelsson
”Digital Cash is the future of Digital Payments. Card, instant and crypto are the three digital payment schemes of today. In addition, central banks around the world are planning to digitize cash as Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Crunchfish Digital Cash Wallet compliments all of these schemes with a robust, interoperable and exceptionally flexible payment service, replicating the properties of paying with physical cash. This is the digital payment of the future and the solution to exploding transaction volumes and financial inclusion worldwide.”

Crunchfish also announces that the company has decided to streamline its marketing communication and starting today, we will provide press releases and financial reports in English only.

At 09:00 CET/13:30 IST, a live webinar about the report will be hosted on Zoom together with Alf Riple from Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance. To participate at this webinar, registration is done via the following link:

A recording of this webinar will also be available afterwards on Crunchfish’s website as well as Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance’s website.

For more information, please contact:
Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish AB
+46 708 46 47 88

Ulf Rogius Svensson, IR & Marketing Manager
+46 733 26 81 05

This information is information that Crunchfish AB is obliged to publish in accordance to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided by the contact person above for publication on May 19, 2021.

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.

About Crunchfish –
Crunchfish is a technical pioneer within digital payments with its ground-breaking Digital Cash Wallet using a two-step payment process, first clearing offline followed by online settlement, which makes digital payments robust and independent from the net. Crunchfish Digital Cash Wallet is extremely flexible and may be used with all types of payment services. Crunchfish has also developed Blippit, an app terminal that connects to cash register systems for both online and offline payments and have a patent-pending solution to reduce food waste. Crunchfish also develops gesture control of smart AR glasses for the consumer market. Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with representation in India.